
State Preserves

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Hayden Prairie is the largest prairie in Iowa outside of the Loess Hills. This 240-acre preserve is located in northern Howard County, thirteen miles northeast of Riceville and four miles west of Lime Springs. It was investigated in 1945 by Dr. Ada Hayden, a botanist who first promoted the preservation of native prairie in Iowa. The prairie was purchased by the Iowa Conservation Commission in 1945 and was named in honor of Dr. Hayden after her death in 1950. It was recognized as a National Natural Landmark in 1966 and was dedicated as a biological state preserve in 1968. 

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  1. From the intersection of Highway‑3 and County Road‑V58 (3rd‑Street) in Cresco, drive west on Highway 3 for 13 miles to Jade Avenue. 
  2. Turn north (right) and go 5 miles to 50th Street. 
  3. Turn west (left) and go 0.25 mile to the preserve parking area on the south side of the road (sign: Hayden Prairie State Preserve).
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Located in the gently rolling terrain of the Iowan Surface landform region, Hayden Prairie contains over 200 plant species. 

  • Big bluestem, Indian grass, and prairie drop­seed dominate the upland prairie. 
  • Bluejoint grass, cordgrass, and sedges dominate the wet habitats. 
  • In the spring, a spectacular array of shooting stars can be seen, with bird’s-foot violet, blueeyed grass, hoary puccoon, golden alexanders, and prairie-smoke adding to the display. 
  • In summer, Michigan lilies, wild rose, prairie blazing stars, and leadplant are conspicuous. There is also blue flag iris, marsh vetchling, water hemlock, and many others in the wet prairie lowlands. 
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Several native grassland birds are among the forty-six species of birds that have been found here, including:

  • Bobolinks
  • Meadowlarks
  • Dickcissels
  • Grasshopper sparrows
  • Upland sandpipers
  • Northern harriers
  • Short-eared owls
  • Henslow’s sparrows
  • Ring-necked pheasant 
  • Gray partridge 

Over twenty butterflies are found in Hayden Prairie, including many prairie species such as:

  • The great-spangled fritillary
  • Eastern-tailed blue
  • Pearl crescent
  • Eyed brown
  • The black dash 
  • Two-spotted skipper 
  • Poweshiek Skipperling
  • Silvery blue
  • Regal fritillary
  • Wild indigo Duskywing
  • Two-spotted skipper
  • Acadian hairstreak 

Hunting is allowed. 

Another state preserve in the vicinity is Crossman Prairie.

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