
State Preserves

Berry Woods is a 42-acre preserve containing an upland oak woodland. It is located 4.5 miles northwest of Indianola in Warren County. Don L. Berry deeded the woodland in 1961 to the Iowa chapter of The Nature Conservancy in honor of his grandfather and father, who had owned and protected this wood for over ninety years. It was dedicated as a biological state preserve in 1980. 

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About the Land

Located in the Southern Iowa Drift Plain landform region, Berry Woods occupies the bluffs along the south side of the Middle River. It is dominated by mature white oak, red oak, basswood, and shagbark hickory. Ironwood is the most common under­story tree along with Ohio buckeye. Beneath the forest canopy is a diverse understory layer of over 150 species with a spectacular array of spring wildflowers. In early spring, bloodroot, hepatica, and wild geranium make a good showing. By summer thimbleweed, starry campion, and Indian plantain bloom. Fall is abloom with goldenrods and asters, along with the saprophyte Indian pipe. 

In 1968, Mr.‑Berry reminisced about the property: 

It was, I think eighty-four years ago this coming summer that I took the first hike in it that I can remember. I was four years old. It was my Grand-father Berry’s firewood, post, and rail supply ground. In making the transfer I felt that nothing I could do for the memory of my father and grandfather could be more pleasing to them than to have that tract kept in perpetuity as a nature preserve. I wish you could see it when the bloodroots are in bloom. I haunt the place from the first warm weather in March or April until the bloodroots come, for they come and go so quickly that one misses them if not constantly on the watch. One day there are none. The next day they are scattered thick, and in less than a week, they are gone. 

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  1. From the intersection of Highway 65 and Highway 69 on the south edge of Des Moines, drive south 5 miles on the combined Highway 65/69 to County Highway G24. 
  2. Turn west (right) and drive 1.5 miles west to 115th Avenue. 
  3. Turn south (left) onto 115th Avenue and drive 1.75 miles to the preserve on the east side of the road (sign: Berry Woods). 
  4. Access is through a gate in the fence.
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Diverse Wildlife

At least forty-two species of birds have been seen in the preserve, including the:

  • Tufted titmouse
  • Yellow-billed cuckoo
  • Scarlet tanager
  • Brown creeper 

The area is also known to be home to other animals including:

  • Smooth earth snakes 
  • American toads
  • Chorus frogs 
  • Red fox
  • White-tailed deer
  • Fox squirrel
  • Eastern chipmunk. 

Berry Woods was the first nature preserve acquired by the Iowa chapter of The Nature Conservancy. Biology classes from Simpson College use the preserve in their studies. Hunting is not permitted. 

Other natural areas in the vicinity include Woodland Mounds and Rolling Thunder Prairie State Preserves and Lake Ahquabi State Park.

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