Since the inception, the Hunter Education Program has been primarily taught by volunteer instructors. Its purpose is to provide a quality program of instruction and training in hunter safety education for the young hunter in Iowa. 

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Program Objectives

Some of the program’s objectives are:

  • To teach the safe handling of firearms and archery hunting equipment.
  • To develop respect for the rights of landowners.
  • To provide basic instruction in conservation and wildlife management.
  • To teach game identification.
  • To develop respect for all state and federal hunting and fishing laws.
  • To teach the hunter how to develop a better attitude towards hunting.

Individuals who successfully complete this course are not expected to be expert hunters or marksmen. They are expected to have a better understanding of the responsibilities that go with the use of firearms. Certified instructors are expected to teach one student class and attend a continuing ed instructor workshop every two years.

Other instructor and mentorship opportunities exist on a limited basis in bowhunter education and furharvester education. For more information on these opportunities, reach out to the Outdoor Skills Specialist in your region.

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Minimum Requirements

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Submit an application provided by the Hunter Education Program.
  • Submit to and pass a background and fish and wildlife violation check.
  • Be a graduate of the Iowa Hunter Education Course
  • Create and maintain an Iowa DNR Customer Account at
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Certification Process & Requirements

  • Complete an apprenticeship consisting of either teaching a simulated class section or assisting a certified instructor to prepare and present a hunter education course to students.
  • Complete the New Instructor Workshop which reviews the policies and procedures of the program, educational materials, teaching techniques and student assessment. These 6 workshops are held regionally throughout the year.

Contact your local Outdoor Skills Specialist for more information or to begin the application process!

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Volunteer Hunter Education Instructor Resources

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