Event Details
Whether you are a youth aged 11-18, an adult with a desire to contribute time to your community, a member of an organization/business looking for a youth-oriented project, or if you have an interest in hunting and the outdoors, Iowa YHEC is an opportunity you don't want to miss!
Iowa YHEC-the Youth Hunter Education Challenge-is a weekend-long event that takes place each June. This year the event will be held at Rock Creek Marina and Campground in Camanche, Iowa. Youth from all over Iowa come to compete in 8 events, learn about the outdoors, and have fun with other youth and adults that have similar interests.
The events include four shooting events (archery, muzzleloading rifle, shotgun, and small-bore rifle) and four non-shooting events (wildlife identification, orienteering, hunter safety trail, and written exam). Most youth compete as part of a team of five from their area, but youth can register as individuals, as well. There are two age categories, Junior (ages 11-14) and Senior (ages 15-18).
Who can participate?
If you're a youth, aged 11-18 years, have passed a Hunter Education course, and are an Iowa resident, you can register to participate. If you're an adult, there are several ways you can participate. If you are a Hunter Education Instructor, you can put together a team of youth from your area, coach them, and bring them to the event. You may serve as a coach or an assistant coach. You may volunteer to help put on the event: it takes nearly 50 adult volunteers to set up and conduct all the events! You may have a special skill to demonstrate to the youth participants during an evening or other program time. (For example, hunting dog training, trapping, care of game in the field, etc.)
You may also want to donate to the event to reduce the cost for participants. All donors of $250 or more are recognized on the YHEC t-shirts if donations are received in time. It takes a lot of volunteers, time, money, and effort to put on this exciting event-become a part of it!
Hunter Responsibility Exam
A Hunter Responsibility Exam will include 50 objective questions (multiple choice/true or false). All questions are taken from information contained in the NRA The Hunter's Guide the Iowa Hunter Education Student Manual and the Iowa hunting regulations. Participants must answer all test questions with no assistance from other participants, written materials, or instructors. Students will have 60 minutes (one hour) to complete the test. Scoring will be based on a maximum of 300 points. A correct answer is worth five points; an incorrect answer is worth zero points.
A Hunter Responsibility Exam will include 50 objective questions (multiple choice/true or false). All questions are taken from information contained in the NRA "The Hunter's Guide", the Iowa Hunter Education Student Manual and Iowa Hunting Regulations. Participants must answer all test questions with no assistance from other participants, written materials, or instructors. Students will have 60 minutes (one hour) to complete the test. Scoring will be based on a maximum of 300 points. A correct answer is worth five points; an incorrect answer is worth zero points.
The Challenges
- Hunting/Wildlife Identification Challenge: Team participants walk a natural grassland-woodland trail testing their wildlife identification skills and hunter knowledge. The course is designed to simulate actual wildlife encounters and signs "as seen" in the field.
- Safety Trail Challenge: Participants or teams will walk through a predetermined trail designed to simulate actual hunting conditions and situations. The participants will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of hunter safety on this practical field course.
- Hunting Archery Challenge: Participants will walk through a field archery course in a natural setting. The course is designed to simulate shooting situations encountered while bow hunting. The Archery Challenge will be conducted with the participants taking shots at life-size game targets (3-D) varying in distance from 5 to 30 yards with scoring areas directly over the vital areas of the game.
- Hunting Orienteering Skills Challenge: Participants or teams will walk through a field and/or woodland course in a natural setting to a pre-determined skills station. At each station, the participants will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of map and compass skills by answering questions or performing certain tasks.
- Hunting Shotgun Challenge: Participants will walk through a Hunter's Shotgun course. This course is not patterned after conventional skeet and trap shooting, but is designed to simulate hunting conditions and situations. The layout will vary depending on the available topography. The shooting stations will make use of available cover to best depict species hunted by shotgun in Iowa.
- Hunting Muzzleloader Challenge: Participants take shots at NRA life-sized targets with scoring areas directly over the vital areas of the game and varying distance from 20 up to 75 yards. Participants will shoot from three shooting stations.
Iowa YHEC is sponsored by:
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Iowa Hunter Education Instructor Association
- Clinton County Conservation
- Clinton County YHEC Coaches.
Registration Details
Entries will be limited to the first 80 participants submitting this form.
Registration forms must be completed by May 19, 2024 (all team members must be named at this time).