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Certified Time of Transfer Inspectors

To become a certified time of transfer (ToT) inspector, you must:

  1. Register and complete the eligibility exam application process in the Iowa DNR Operator Certification Database, and
  2. Complete the Time of Transfer Inspector Training offered by the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Onsite Wastewater Training Center of Iowa.

A current list of certified ToT inspectors is available at the following link: DNR Operator Certification Database, IDNR Onsite Septic Inspector List.

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Exam Eligibility Process

To complete the eligibility exam application process, proceed to the Iowa DNR Operator Certification Database.

  • If you are a registered user, select "Exam Eligibility Application” to complete the process.
  • If you are not a registered user, you may create an account and proceed by using the "Create New Account" button on the main page of the database.

Once your ToT inspector exam application is approved and you have received an approval notification, you must sign up for and complete the ToT Inspector Training and pass the exam given at the end of the training.

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ToT Inspector Training

After you have received your exam approval from the Iowa DNR, you can complete the the ToT Inspector Training.

To qualify for the ToT inspector training, you must have one of the following:

  • Two years of experience in the operation, installation, inspection, design or maintenance of private sewage disposal systems (onsite wastewater treatment or septic systems), or
  • Completed the "Basics of Onsite 101" class offered by the DMACC Onsite Wastewater Training Center of Iowa or an equivalent class approved by the Iowa DNR.

Onsite Training Class

You may sign up for the ToT Inspector Training class at the DMACC Onsite Wastewater Training Center of Iowa website or by calling DMACC at 515-964-6800 or 800-342-0033.

The cost for the Time of Transfer Inspector class is $300, payable to DMACC.

Once you have completed the inspector training and the exam, you will be notified of the exam results. If you pass, you will be prompted to pay the certification fee ($300), payable to the Iowa DNR.

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