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Time of Transfer Inspection Law
Iowa's Time of Transfer (ToT) septic system inspection law requires that every home or building served by a septic system have that septic system inspected prior to the sale or deed transfer of the home or building. All inspections must be conducted by an inspector that has been certified by the Iowa DNR.
The purpose of the law is to eliminate sub-standard or polluting septic systems. A sub-standard septic system is one that has no treatment (secondary treatment) following the septic tank or has a secondary treatment system that has failed. These sub-standard septic systems pose an environmental and public health hazard and require repair. If you have a septic system with a septic tank AND a secondary treatment system such as a seepage (leach) field, sand filter or other approved device, and it is not creating a public health or environmental hazard, it does not have to meet current code.
Back to topTime of Transfer Database
The Iowa DNR has launched its new online ToT Database for the submittal and search of ToT inspection reports.
The new ToT Database allows certified ToT inspectors to login in and enter inspection reports online. All ToT inspection reports will be automatically transmitted to the DNR and the county where the property is located. If an inspector enters a buyer, realtor, or homeowners’ email, those affiliates will also be provided a copy of the report. All ToT inspection reports will be available to the public online upon submittal.
For ToT Inspectors
- Please use the online tool for submission of all TOT Inspection Reports.
- User Guides and additional information are available on the ToT Database Help tab at:
- If you have issues logging into your account, or you get locked out of your account, contact:
- Bridget Bouska at 515-777-9038, bridget.bouska@dnr.iowa.gov or
- Kim Harland at 515-725-8222, kim.harland@dnr.iowa.gov
- If you have any questions related to entering inspections, contact:
- Cory Frank at 515-689-7941, cory.frank@dnr.iowa.gov
For General Public
- Anyone may use the new database to search for TOT inspection reports. Click on “Search Inspection Reports” on the database Home page to find a specific inspection. There is no need to create an account.
- A Public User Manual and a video describing how to search for inspections are available on the ToT Database Help tab at: https://programs.iowadnr.gov/timeoftransfer/Home/Help.
- Please note that the ToT Database currently only has inspection reports that have been entered in 2022.
Certified Time of Transfer Inspectors
To become a certified time of transfer (ToT) inspector, you must:
- Register and complete the eligibility exam application process in the Iowa DNR Operator Certification Database, and
- Complete the Time of Transfer Inspector Training offered by the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Onsite Wastewater Training Center of Iowa.
Forms and Information
- Private Sewage Disposal System Rules
- Certified Inspector List
- Time of Transfer Forms
- Time of Transfer Inspection Complaint form [542-0193]
- Time of Transfer Inspection Exemptions
- Binding Agreement Forms
- Groundwater Hazard Statement