Pre-filing meeting request

DNR Chapter 61 rule requires a minimum of 30 days after submitting the Pre-Filing Meeting Request before submitting the certification request.

Send the pre-filing meeting request to

Certification request

Only submit the certification request when you are certain that the project will not change due to comments received during all required public notice periods.

Section 401 Water Quality Pre-Filing Meeting and Certification Request Form and Instruction

Send the certification request to .

DNR 401 Public Notices

Public comments may be submitted via email to or by mail to:

Iowa DNR
Attn: Section 401 Water Quality Certification
6200 Park Ave Ste. 200
Des Moines, IA 50321

Current Public Notifications

No notifications at this time.

Contact Information

Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Attn: Section 401 Water Quality Certification
6200 Park Ave Ste. 200
Des Moines, IA 50321


U.S. Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District
Clock Tower Building – PO BOX 2004
Rock Island, IL 61204-2004
Phone: 309-794-5057



U.S. Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
8901 South 154th Street
Omaha, NE 68138-3611
Phone: 402-896-0896


Additional Resources

Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 61
Water Quality Standards


Permit and Environmental Review Management Tool (PERMT)
Joint Application for Iowa DNR Flood Plain Management and Sovereign Lands/Environmental Review


Antidegradation/Outstanding Iowa Waters and the Outstanding Iowa Waters Map


Rock Island District Corps of Engineers - Nationwide Permits and Regional Permits

Omaha District Corps of Engineers - Nationwide Permits and Regional Permits

Corps of Engineers public notices



Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox
Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox is a series of best management practices developed to assist designers in stream stabilization and restoration projects in Iowa with proven techniques with emphasis on incorporating natural materials, such as logs, stone, and live plantings. Among the dozens of techniques described in the Toolbox are longitudinal peaked stone toe protection, j-hook vanes, rock arch rapids, oxbows, riparian corridor restorations, and tree/shrub plantings. It delivers a consistent, relevant assessment method and reviewable design checklists to aid decision making among multidisciplinary teams (i.e. – restoration practitioner, engineer, project manager, funder, biologist, etc.). The toolbox also provides detailed drawings and specification requirements to make natural stabilization projects more biddable.


Iowa Department of Transportation Manuals


Natural Resources Conservation Service - Iowa