
Fishing - Common Fish

earn the best hot spots and latest news about Iowa’s fishing opportunities from region to region. This weekly fishing forecast can be emailed directly to your inbox every Thursday, sign up today for this fishing information from Iowa’s fisheries experts. 

How to Read Our Weekly Iowa Fishing Report
DNR’s weekly fishing report is broken down by counties or regions – northwest, northeast, Mississippi river, southeast and southwest. You can check the activity of your favorite lake or stretch of river within each region, including which species are being caught, a rating of the bite (slow, fair, good or excellent), as well as a hot bait or lure pattern.

Fishing reports may include information on stream or river flows (and if it is rising or dropping), ice conditions, depths that fish are biting (watch for trends if this changes), or safety issues like if the water suddenly becomes shallow in spots.

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Arrowhead Lake
The lake is covered with skim ice; will likely be open water by the weekend.

Black Hawk Lake
Most of the lake is open, many bays have skim ice.  Black Crappie - Fair: Use a waxworm small minnow or jigs. Try fishing around the fish house in Town Bay.  

Black Hawk Pits
The lake is partially covered with unsafe ice.

Brushy Creek Lake
There are many open areas.  Any remaining ice is unsafe.

Storm Lake (incl Little Storm Lake)
Any remaining ice is unsafe.  More reports will be available as we receive them.

Most lake in the district have opened up or are covered with unsafe ice. Ice fishing is not recommended on any area lakes.  More reports will come in as we receive them. For more information, contact the Black Hawk District office at 712-657-2638.

Clear Lake
Ice conditions are highly variable. Ice fishing is not recommended. If you do venture out, foot traffic only. Wear safety gear and check ice thickness as you go.  Black Crappie - Fair.  Yellow Perch - Fair: Try small minnows, jigs and spoons.

Crystal Lake
Aeration system is operating near the boat ramp. Ice conditions are highly variable. Ice fishing is not recommended.  If you do venture out, foot traffic only.  Wear safety gear and check ice thickness as you go.  Black Crappie - Fair: Use small spoons and minnows in 10 to 16 feet of water. Bluegill - Fair: Try small jigs with insect larvae in the deeper dredge cuts.

Rice Lake
Ice conditions are highly variable. Ice fishing is not recommended. If you do venture out, foot traffic only.  Wear safety gear and check ice thickness as you go.  Bluegill - Slow: Use a small jig tipped with insect larvae near submersed vegetation. Yellow Perch - Slow: Try small minnows, jigs and spoons in 4 to 6 feet of water.  A lot of sorting is needed for larger fish.

Silver Lake (Worth)
Aeration system is operating near the boat ramp area. Ice conditions are highly variable. Ice fishing is not recommended.  If you do venture out, foot traffic only. Wear safety gear and check ice thickness as you go. Bluegill - Fair: Use a small jig tipped with waxworms. Yellow Perch - Fair: Try a small jig or minnow near submersed vegetation.

Ice conditions are variable across north central Iowa lakes. Ice fishing is not recommended.  If you do venture out, foot traffic only.  Wear safety gear and check ice thickness as you go.  For information on lakes and rivers in north central Iowa, contact Clear Lake Fish and Wildlife office at 641-357-3517.

East Okoboji Lake
Many areas have opened up. The walleye season is currently closed. Black Crappie - Good:  Bluegill - Good:  Largemouth Bass - Fair:  Yellow Perch - Good: Many fish have been observed; sorting will most likely be needed.

Ingham Lake
The lake still has areas that can be fished if traveling on foot. Walleye - Fair: Morning and afternoon bite is best.

Silver Lake (Dickinson)
There are still areas that can be fished if traveling by foot. Walleye - Fair: The bite has been hit-or-miss.

Spirit Lake
Some areas can still be fished if traveling by foot.  Many accesses and areas are now open water.  Many hopes have started to pop up.  The walleye season is currently closed. Black Crappie - Good: Anglers have been finding fish of quality size up to 14-inches. Bluegill - Good.  Yellow Perch - Good: Sorting is needed; anglers are finding many of acceptable size.

West Okoboji Lake
Large portions of the lake have opened up due to high winds.  Many smaller holes have started to pop up.  The walleye season is currently closed. Black Crappie - Fair:  Bluegill - Fair. 

Ice on most area lakes has deteriorated heavily.  Some areas have started to open up due to warm weather and heavy winds.  Some areas still allow foot traffic for ice fishing.  Standing water has started to pool on the surface in some areas.  The walleye season on the IGL's is closed until May 3rd. For current conditions, call 712-330-2542.

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Cedar River (above Nashua)
Backwaters still have some ice, but main channel has little ice, especially weak around the edges.  Use caution. Black Crappie - Fair: Use a small jig tipped with a minnow in backwater areas with no current. Bluegill - Fair: Try a small jig tipped with a waxworm under a bobber a few inches off the bottom. Northern Pike - Good: Use a spoon or flashing jig to attract these toothy predators looking for an easy meal.

Decorah District Streams
Latest storm and snowmelt has caused dirty water in most streams.  Some streams may become clearer over the weekend.  The 2025 Catchable trout stocking calendar is now available. Catchable stocking season begins April 1st. Start planning your getaway to beautiful northeast Iowa. Brook Trout - Slow: Use a midge minnow or leach pattern for fish looking to get more bang for their effort. Sneak up on these fish to not spook them especially in crystal clear water. Brown Trout - Good: Try fishing around an undercut bank or similar structure. Fishing a cloudy day with off-color water creates a perfect mix for catching this trout. Rainbow Trout - Fair: Hatchery holdovers remain in the streams. Use small spinner baits or hair jigs floated past structure.

Lake Hendricks
Ice is pulling away from the edges.  Avoid areas around the aerator.  More open water becoming exposed.  Use cautionBlack Crappie - Fair: Try a small jig tipped with minnow or waxworm fished near the bottom. Bluegill - Fair: Use a small jig tipped with a spike or waxworm about a foot off the bottom near brush piles.

Lake Meyer
Ice is starting to disappear, especially around the edges. Few anglers out last week. Black Crappie - Slow: Try fishing near the brush piles. Bluegill - Fair: Use jigs tipped with waxworms about a foot off the bottom near brush piles.

Volga Lake
Ice is pulling away from the edges. Ice conditions are changing fast.  Few anglers out last week. Black Crappie - Fair:  Bluegill - Fair: 

Area rivers have some ice in the backwaters with deteriorating edges on the main channel.  Lakes and ponds are losing good ice; ice on the edges is pulling away.  Ice conditions will continue to change rapidly with warmer temperatures.  Use extreme caution if approaching ice.  Highs in the 50s as the week progresses with lows above freezing after Saturday.  For more information, contact the Chuck Gipp Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.

Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)
Good reports for walleye.  Northern pike fishing should pick up in backwater areas in preparation for the upcoming spawn.  Northern Pike - No report: Try floating a live chuck/shiner under a bobber or caste and retrieve flashing spoons in backwater areas. Walleye - Fair: Use a jig head with or without plastics and tipped with a live minnow. Look for the deeper pools current breaks and tail ends of riffles.

Manchester District Streams
Trout streams are in excellent condition. Next week’s forecast calls for temperatures in the 60s; should be good aquatic insect hatches taking place providing for some great trout fishing.

Maquoketa River (above Monticello)
We have received no fishing information this week. Walleye - No Report: a jig head with plastics with or without a live minnow. Look for the deeper pools current breaks and tail ends of riffles.

Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)
We have received no fishing information this week. Northern Pike - No Report: Try floating a live chuck/shiner under a bobber or caste and retrieve flashing spoons in backwater areas. Walleye - No Report: Use a jig head with plastics with or without a live minnow. Look for the deeper pools current breaks and tail ends of riffles.

Wapsi River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)
We have received no fishing information this week. Northern Pike - No Report: Try floating a live chuck/shiner under a bobber or caste and retrieve flashing spoons in backwater areas. Walleye - No Report: Use a jig head with plastics with or without a live minnow. Look for the deeper pools current breaks and tail ends of riffles.

Next week’s forecast calls for temperatures in the 60s; ice fishing season is officially over.  Interior rivers are open; anglers are doing well on walleye.  Northern pike fishing should pick up as they are the earliest to spawn.  With next week's weather, there should be many aquatic insect hatches taking place on trout streams. For more information, contact Manchester Hatchery at 563-927-3276.

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Mississippi River Pool 9
Water level is 8.6 feet at Lansing and expected to rise to 8.7 feet over the next week. Ice is unsafe for fishing.  Yellow Perch - Good: Perch fishing is good where lower ends of backwaters can be accessed.

Mississippi River Pool 10
Water level is 15 feet at Lynville and is expected to rise to 16.1 feet over the next week.  Ice is unsafe for fishing.  Lynxville boat ramp is open for tailwater fishing; main channel is mostly ice free.  Northern Pike - Fair: Pre-spawn pike are biting.  Sauger - Good. Tailwater fishing for sauger is beginning to pick up.  Walleye - Good: Tailwater fishing for walleye is beginning to pick up.  Yellow Perch - Good: Lake winter perch bite has begun.

Mississippi River Pool 11
Water level is 6.7 feet at Guttenberg and is expected to rise to 8.9 feet over the next week. Ice is unsafe for fishing.  Guttenberg boat ramps are open for tailwater fishing; main channel is mostly ice free.  Northern Pike - Fair: Pre-spawn northern are biting. Sauger - Good: Tailwater fishing for sauger has begun to get better. Walleye - Good: Tailwater fishing for walleye has begun to get better. Yellow Perch - Fair: Perch fishing should pick up in the tailwaters.

Backwater ice has degraded rapidly; not safe for fishing.  Recent rains and snow melt have the Upper Pools 9-11 of the Mississippi River on the rise; most ice has left the main channel.  Most boat ramps are becoming ice free and tailwaters are open for fishing.

Mississippi River Pool 12
Water level at Dubuque Lock and Dam is rising to 6.7 feet and 9.1 feet at the RR Bridge. Water is clear. Water temperature is around 35 degrees in the main channel. Some ice flows are still being reported. Black Crappie - Good: Lots of crappie were reported this ice season.  Ice conditions have greatly deteriorated. Bluegill - Excellent: Bluegill fishing was very good this winter in the various harbors in Dubuque. Northern Pike - Excellent: Pike fishing was outstanding this winter.  Ice fishing conditions are deteriorating with recent weather changes.  Walleye - No Report: Very difficult to get to the tailwater as boat ramps have iced in or subject to ice flows.

Mississippi River Pool 13
Water level at Bellevue is rising to near 7.5 feet. Water is clear. Water temperature is near 35 degrees in the main channel. Bellevue City ramp is  open. Ice flows may happen at any time. Bluegill - No report:  Ice conditions have greatly deteriorated. Northern Pike - Excellent: It was an excellent ice fishing season for northern pike; hopefully it will translate into a strong 2025 open water season.  Paddlefish - Good: Paddlefish opener was very good.  Lots of small paddlefish were caught with a few very nice paddlefish were reported.  Please review the rules for paddlefish snagging.  The first few days of the season seen a lot of anglers.  Rainbow Trout - Good: The kids' trout pond north of the DNR fisheries station is stocked with trout and should remain good fishing untill  April/May when it will weed over. Walleye - Good: The tailwater has been open most of the winter; Bellevue City Ramp is  open. Most anglers are using a jig and minnow rig.  Yellow Perch - No report: No ice fishing was reported. It is possible at times to catch them in the tailwaters; typically they are slightly closer to shore than the walleye around 10 feet.

Mississippi River Pool 14
Water level at Fulton is rising to near 6.9 feet, 10.7 feet at Camanche, and 5.6 feet at LeClaire. Water is clear. Water temperature is around 35 degrees. Bluegill - No report: Ice fishing is not recommended.  It was a decent year ice fishing for bluegills in many backwaters. Northern Pike - No Report: Lots of pike are being caught in the pools above Pool 14. Pool 14 has a very good pike population. Paddlefish - Good: Paddlefish season on the Mississippi River is March 1 through April 15. Snagging is only allowed within 500 yards of navigation dams and their spillways.Please review the rules for paddlefish snagging.  Opener fish were reported in the 25- to 35-inch range.  Walleye - Fair: Hit-or-miss bite.

Mississippi River Pool 15
Water level at Rock Island is rising to near 7.6 feet. Water is clear. Water temperature is around 35 degrees.

Ice fishing conditions have deteriorated greatly. Ice fishing is not recommended anywhere in the district.  Most tailwater boat ramps are open such as Bellevue and 25 Street in Clinton. If you have angling questions, call Bellevue Fisheries Management at 563-880-8781. 

Mississippi River Pool 16
Tailwater stage is 7.58 feet at Lock and Dam 15 in the Quad Cities and forecast to reach 9.4 feet over the weekend.  The Marquette St. boat ramp is open; anglers are able to access the tailwaters. There is a dock in the water.  Sauger - No Report: Look for saugers in the tailwaters.  Try vertical jigging with minnows or trolling three-way rigs with minnows.  Walleye - No Report: Look for walleyes below the dam.  Try vertical jigging with minnows or trolling three-way rigs with minnows.

Mississippi River Pool 17
Tailwater stage is 5.60 feetat Lock and Dam 16 in Muscatine and forecast to reach 7.8 feet by next week. The ramps at Muscatine are open; anglers are able to access the tailwaters for walleye and sauger fishing.  Walleye and sauger fishing was being reported as good before the rise in river level. Sauger - Good: Sauger fishing below the dam at Muscatine is being reported as good. Try vertical jigging with minnows or trolling three-way rigs with minnows. The bite may change with changing river conditions. Walleye - Good: Walleye fishing below the dam at Muscatine is being reported as good this past week. Try vertical jigging with minnows or trolling three-way rigs with minnows.  The bite may change with changing river conditions.

Mississippi River Pool 18
Tailwater stage is 6.24 feet at Lock and Dam 17 at New Boston and forecast to reach 9.3 by the middle of next week.  The Toolsboro ramp is open; anglers are able to access the tailwaters.  Paddlefish - Fair: Some anglers had moderate success snagging paddlefish below the dam.  Sauger - Fair: Sauger fishing below New Boston is being reported as fair this past week.  Try vertical jigging with minnows or trolling three-way rigs with minnows.  The bite may change with changing river conditions.  Walleye - Fair: There has been some tailwater fishing for walleyes below the dam at New Boston.  Try vertical jigging with minnows or trolling three-way rigs with minnows.  The bite may change with changing river conditions.

Mississippi River Pool 19
Tailwater stage is 3.46 feet at Lock and Dam 18 above Burlington and forecast to reach 6.3 feet by next week. We have not received any reports on tailwater fishing for walleyes and saugers this week.

Tailwater stages have been on the rise with recent rains.  Main channel water temperature is around 34 degrees. Water clarity is fair.  The river has muddied up some with recent rains and strong winds.  Boat ramps are opening up to access the tailwaters for walleye and sauger fishing.  If you have questions on fishing Pools 16-19, contact the Fairport Fish Hatchery at 563-263-5062.

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Big Hollow Lake
The lake is ice free; the boat ramp is ice free and open to the rest of the lake.

Lake Belva Deer
The lake is ice free. Both boat ramps are  in open water.

Lake Darling
Lake is nearly ice free.  A little skim ice remains in the very upper ends of the lake.

Lake Geode
Mostly open water; might be able to find a little skim ice in some of the bays.

Lost Grove Lake
Lots of open water on the main body of the lake. Some thin ice remains around the boat ramps.

For more information on the above lakes and rivers call the Lake Darling Fisheries Office at 319-694-2430.

Cedar River (Cedar Rapids to Moscow)
Channel Catfish - Slow: Use cut bait. Walleye - Slow: Try fishing jigs in current seams.

Cedar River (La Porte City to Cedar Rapids)
Channel Catfish - Slow: Use cut bait. Walleye - Slow: Try fishing jigs.

Central Park Lake
Mostly open water with some ice.

Coralville Reservoir
Mostly ice over with a few areas starting to open up.

Diamond Lake
Mostly open water with some skim ice remaining.

Iowa Lake (Iowa Co.)
Lake is open with no ice.

Iowa River (Coralville Lake to River Junction)
Channel Catfish - Slow: Few fish caught. Walleye- Slow: Few fish caught.

Iowa River (Marshalltown to Coralville Lake)
Walleye - Slow: Use jigs.

Kent Park Lake
Walleye - Slow: Use jigs.

Lake Macbride
Lake is open.

Pleasant Creek Lake
Lake is reported open.

Union Grove Lake
Lake is mostly open with some skim ice remaining.

Wapsipinicon River (Troy Mills to Oxford Junction)
Final stage of dredging at the Pinicon Ridge Park has begun. Some areas will be closed to fishing. Closures are expected to last for about one month.  Channel Catfish - Slow: Few fish starting to get caught.  Northern Pike - Slow: Few pike getting caught by walleye anglers.  Walleye - Slow: Few fish caught.

For more information, contact the Lake Macbride Fisheries Station at 319-624-3615.

Hawthorn Lake
Open water with little to no ice.

Lake Keomah
Lake Keomah is drained for a lake restoration project. Please stay out of the lakebed.

Lake Miami
Open water with little to no ice.

Lake Sugema
The lake has quite a bit of open water due to the Canada geese keeping areas open.  No fishing activity has been occurring due to this.  Any ice should be considered unsafe and too thin for anglers.

Lake Wapello
Open water with little to no ice.

Ottumwa Park Pond South (Trout Pond)
Trout are scheduled to be stocked on Saturday, March 22nd at 11 AM.

Rathbun Reservoir
The current lake level is 903.43 msl; recreation pool is 904 msl. Lake Rathbun has zebra mussels; properly drain, clean and dry equipment before transporting to another waterbody. The lake is mostly open water with ice only left in the coves and bays.  The ice left is not thick enough to support anglers.

Red Haw Lake
Open water with little to no ice.

Most lake in the district are mostly open water.  There may be some ice in the bays and coves that is not thick enough for anglers. Contact the Rathbun Fish Hatchery at 641-647-2406 with questions about fishing in south central Iowa. 

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Des Moines River (Saylorville to Red Rock)
Walleye - Slow: Catch occasional walleye below the Saylorville Spillway and Des Moines dams casting jigs with twister tails, swimbaits or live minnows. If water flows and clarity remain good through March the bite will improve.

Ponds and lakes in Central Iowa have open water to partial ice cover. For information on Central Iowa lakes and rivers contact Andy Otting at 515-204-5885.

Lake Anita
Ice conditions are unsafe.  

Prairie Rose Lake
Ice conditions are unsafe.

Most lakes in the southwest district are ice free. For information on lakes in the Southwest District, call the Cold Springs office at 712-769-2587.

Three Mile Lake
Main basin has open water.  Skim ice on north end of lake.  **Driving is prohibited on any service roads used to access the lakebed and the lakebed itself.**  Lake level is 11 feet below normal pool. Boat ramp lanes are out of the water at the main boat ramp. 

Twelve Mile Creek Lake
South end of the lake is ice free.

Small lakes in the Mount Ayr district are ice free. Some of the larger lakes have large areas of open water.  For more information, call Mount Ayr Fisheries office at 641-931-6031

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