NPDES Wastewater Forms

There are several types of forms that are required to be submitted to comply with the Iowa DNR's individual and general NPDES permits. The basic types of forms are listed below. Please follow the links for more information on and links to the forms.

Individual Permit Application Forms

  • Individual Application Forms webpage
    • Application forms for industrial, operation/land application, municipal - water treatment, municipal, and semipublic facilities are available on the above webpage. Additional forms used in the individual permit application process, including the wasteload allocation form, treatment agreement form, and variance request form are also available.
    • Submit all individual NPDES permit applications to the following email address: Only individual permit applications will be accepted at this email address; General Permit NOIs and NODs will not be accepted.
    • Email attachment size is limited to 25 MB. Please use zip files or other options to submit attachments greater than 25 MB and communicate that in your email submittal. Only individual permit applications will be accepted at this email address.
    • Part F of the individual municipal/semipublic permit application and Form 5 of the individual industrial permit application require signatures. Please sign Part F or Form 5 according to the instructions, scan the form, attach it to an email, and send it with the other appropriate application forms to the previously noted email address. Electronic signatures are also acceptable.
    • Individual NPDES permit application fees, individual permit amendment fees, and the completed fee invoices may be paid online using the DNR's Payment System, or the completed fee invoices can be mailed to the DNR at: Iowa DNR, 6200 Park Avenue Ste 200, Des Moines, Iowa 50321.

  • AFO Forms webpage
    • Application forms and the application fee invoice for an NPDES permit for an Animal Feeding Operation are available on the webpage linked above.
    • Submit all applications for NPDES permits for AFOs to the following email address:
    • AFO Application fees and the completed fee invoices may be paid online using the DNR's Payment System, or the completed fee invoices can be mailed to the DNR at: Iowa DNR, 6200 Park Avenue Ste 200, Des Moines, Iowa 50321.

General Permit Forms - electronic and paper Notices of Intent (NOI) and Notices of Discontinuation (NOD)

  • General Permits 1, 2, and 3: Proceed to the Online Stormwater General Permit Application to apply online for authorization under stormwater General Permit #1 (Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity), #2 (Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity for Construction Activities), or #3 (Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity from Asphalt Plants, Concrete Batch Plants, Rock Crushing Plants and Construction Sand and Gravel Facilities). Proceed to the stormwater Guidance and Application Forms page to obtain paper NOI and NOD forms.
  • General Permits 8 and 9: To submit an electronic NOI for General Permit #8 (Hydrostatic Testing, Ballasting, and Water Lines) or General Permit #9 (Dewatering and Residential Geothermal), proceed to the General Permits 5, 8 & 9 Database. Paper NOIs are not available for General Permits #8 and #9.

Individual NPDES Permit Online Request Forms

  • Permit Amendments: To request a permit amendment, complete and submit the NPDES Permit Amendment Online Request Form. Please follow all of the instructions in the form and submit additional supporting documentation via email after the form has been submitted. Some permit amendments will require the payment of an amendment fee before the amendment can be processed. If an amendment fee is necessary, additional information and a fee invoice will be emailed to you after the Amendment Online Request Form is completed.
  • Temporary and Limited Degradation: To request for Temporary and Limited Degradation, complete and submit the Temporary and Limited Degradation Online Request Form. The Iowa Antidegradation Implementation Procedure defines Temporary and Limited Degradation as degradation that is not permanent, and can be regarded as temporary and limited following a review of several factors. Common examples of Temporary and Limited Degradation are pilot studies of new chemical additives or a temporary chemical additive change due to supply disruptions. Please note, changes that are not temporary require the submission and approval of a full antidegradation alternatives analysis. More information regarding antidegradation can be found on the Antidegradation webpage.

NPDES Fee Invoices

  • Individual permit fee invoices webpage - Application, Annual, and Amendment fee invoices for individual non-stormwater NPDES permits. Individual permit fees may be paid online using the DNR's Payment System, or the completed fee invoices can be mailed to the DNR at: Iowa DNR, 6200 Park Avenue Ste 200, Des Moines, Iowa 50321.

Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Forms

  • DMR Forms Webpage 
  • Facility-specific electronic monitoring report forms for individual NPDES permits can be obtained from the Iowa DNR Regional Field Offices. DMR forms are also known as Monthly Operating Report forms, or MORs. Refer to the DMR Forms webpage for more information.

Other Wastewater Forms and Information

The NPDES Section is now accepting mail electronically. Please submit all documents except permit applications and fees to

Questions Regarding NPDES Wastewater Forms

If you have questions on any of the above forms, please contact Courtney Cswercko at