Wildlife Health Monitoring in Iowa

The Iowa DNR actively monitors for a variety of known and emerging health issues affecting wildlife within the state. This ranges from investigations of sick and dead wild animals reported by staff, partners, or the public to long-term projects tracking the presence and distribution of disease-causing agents. Please report concerns to local field staff- we value your partnership in protecting the health of Iowa’s wildlife.

Deer Disease Monitoring in Iowa

The Iowa DNR actively monitors diseases affecting deer in the state. The primary diseases that are monitored include Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), Hemorrhagic Disease/Bluetongue (HD), and Bovine Tuberculosis (TB). The pathology and disease ecology of each have vastly different consequences for deer management. Detailed information can be found within our hunting pages in regards to CWD, HD and TB monitoring.

For additional information regarding the major differences between EHD and CWD be sure to check out the chart found on the Quality Deer Management Association's website.

White-Nose Bat Syndrome

White-Nose Syndrome (WNS)e is caused by an introduced fungal pathogen that affects bats during hibernation. It has caused population declines in excess of 90% of certain bat species since it was first detected in North America in 2006. 

Of the bat species affected by WNS in North America , to date five are native to Iowa, including the big brown bat, little brown bat,  and tri-colored bat, as well as the endangered northern long-eared bat and Indiana bat.

Bats are crucial to a healthy ecosystem. They eat insects that can damage agricultural crops, saving us several billion annually in pest suppression services.

WNS is not known to pose a threat to humans, pets or livestock. It is known to be transmitted primarily from bat to bat, but fungal spores may be inadvertently carried to caves or other hibernacula by humans on clothing and caving gear.

 WNS was confirmed in Iowa in 2015, and the Iowa DNR is working with partners to monitor bat populations and better understand the distribution of this pathogen. . 

Iowa citizens can help bats by following all decontamination requirements if entering caves and continuing to avoid disturbing bats, especially during hibernation.

Iowans can also help bats by volunteering to monitor bat populations in the state. Acoustic monitoring surveys that rely on recording bat echolocation calls are an efficient way to monitor bat populations to identify areas of high bat activity in Iowa.

White-Nose Syndrome Resources, via whitenosesyndrome.org:

Additional White-Nose Syndrome Information

For general information about bats in Iowa: To learn about more about bats in Iowa and the challenges they face check out these Iowa State University Wildlife Extension resources:

To report unusual bat behavior or deaths that you observe during winter or early spring (especially bats flying during the daytime, bats with difficulty flying, or large numbers of dead bats near cave or mine openings), contact the Iowa DNR; Rachel.Ruden@dnr.iowa.gov.

Iowa Bats Need Your Help – And You Need Theirs, Too!

Nine unique species of bats call Iowa home - they're important to our ecosystem. But thanks to changes in forest habitats, new pressures from energy development, and an exotic disease-causing fungus, many of Iowa’s bats are in trouble.
In our new "Did You Know" video, we show you how you can help them fight back and preserve themselves, helping the environment at the same time.