4 Lures That Walleye Can’t Resist 8/10/2016 3:11:00 PM View Count 104062 Elusive and defiant, the walleye has duped even the most determined fanatics for decades. Struggle no more to wrangle in these clever beasts with a few surefire methods. With the necessary gear and the right technique, no amount of bad luck can keep the walleye from biting on your line.
6 best bass baits and lures for summer 7/8/2016 1:53:00 PM View Count 42334 When it comes to gamefish, not many have captivated the gaze of avid anglers like the bass. No matter when, where, or what you’re fishing in, consider using these foolproof baits to attract bass of all types.
4 Lures You Need for Crappie Fishing in Iowa 4/22/2015 8:48:00 AM View Count 111807 It’s that time of year that anglers across Iowa have been waiting for – crappies are biting. Crappies are one of the most frequently caught panfish. Add one of these lures suggested by our fisheries biologists to your tackle box and start planning your next spring fishing trip.