Iowa’s Scholastic Clay Target Program crowns international skeet and international bunker trap champions 5/23/2023 1:34:00 PM View Count 2861 The Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) held championship events for International Skeet and International Bunker Trap on May 20-21.
DNR investigating manure runoff in Carson 4/16/2019 12:06:00 PM View Count 2269 CARSON, Iowa -- On April 15, 2019, at approximately 6:00 pm, the Iowa DNR Field Office 4 staff was notified about a potential discharge occurring at Cyclone Cattle Open Cattle Feedlot in Carson, Iowa.
Drive with caution – does are on the move 6/6/2017 11:38:00 AM View Count 6617 Early June is the second busiest month in Iowa behind the November rut for deer-vehicle collisions, as does are moving to more secluded areas prior to giving birth.
Cattle Runoff in Pottawatomie County Discharging to Small Stream 4/20/2016 3:16:00 PM View Count 3976 CARSON – The DNR is investigating an anonymous complaint today about runoff from a cattle feedlot about three miles southwest of Carson in Pottawatomie County.