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Archive by tag: bisonReturn
Meet America's national mammal, the bison

Meet America's national mammal, the bison

  • 11/6/2018 2:31:00 PM
  • View Count 9282
While 20-30 million bison used to roam across North America, unregulated shooting and habitat loss led to their population to fall to only 1,091 by 1889.
 Meet Sparky, a Bison Lucky to Be Alive

Meet Sparky, a Bison Lucky to Be Alive

  • 5/17/2016 11:15:00 AM
  • View Count 25289
In rare cases, an animal can survive a lightning strike, like a bison struck in 2013 at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge near Prairie City. This bison earned his new nickname “Sparky” the hard way.
Four Animals You Didn’t Know Lived In Iowa

Four Animals You Didn’t Know Lived In Iowa

  • 1/7/2015 4:04:00 AM
  • View Count 88766
Before Europeans began settling in Iowa, our landscape looked much different – not just the vista views of prairies and oak savannas, but the wildlife that called it home. You’d be hard pressed to find many elk, bison, black bear or lynx in the Iowa wild today, but not that long ago, they roamed our state.