Harsh winter across North Iowa is reminder habitat is critical for wildlife survival 2/7/2023 8:24:00 PM View Count 6358 State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) is a nationwide Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) practice within the continuous sign-up administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA).
Land donors to be honored during reception in Des Moines 2/26/2019 11:45:00 AM View Count 2594 DES MOINES – More than 5,700 acres of Iowa land in 35 counties with an estimated value of nearly $6.2 million was permanently protected through donations for conservation.
Iowa Sets Goal for Monarch Conservation 3/13/2018 2:27:00 PM View Count 8298 The Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium has set a goal of acres devoted to monarch butterfly habitat in the state by 2038.
Iowa awarded 115,000 acres in Conservation Reserve Program for water quality, pollinator, and wildlife habitat improvements 1/4/2017 11:50:00 AM View Count 19627 Iowa has received an additional 115,000 acres that can be enrolled in the Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) for critical wildlife and water quality efforts.