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Archive by tag: CharitonReturn
Red Haw State Park closed due to storm damage

Red Haw State Park closed due to storm damage

  • 3/6/2022 1:03:00 PM
  • View Count 3321
CHARITON, Iowa -- Due to extensive damage from the storm on March 5th, Red Haw State Park in Chariton will be closed until further notice. Extensive damage was sustained to the campground, where there was one fatality and one injury. Additionally, there are significant damages to the beach area, including the boat docks, the Bait House, beach shelters and a storage building.
Meeting to discuss Lake Rathbun water quality improvement plan

Meeting to discuss Lake Rathbun water quality improvement plan

  • 6/22/2017 12:03:00 PM
  • View Count 4240
CHARITON – Iowans interested in the results of a DNR study to improve water quality in Lake Rathbun in south-central Iowa can attend a meeting July 6. Citizens are encouraged to bring their questions and ideas to improve the lake to the meeting for discussion.