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Pump failure results in wastewater bypass to Storm Lake

  • 10/8/2016 6:12:00 PM
  • View Count 3608
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Storm Lake – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) responded to a bypass at the Tyson Fresh Meats pork plant on October 8, 2016.  The bypass occurred when a lift station pump failed and caused a power failure at two lift stations.  Approximately 1,000 gallons of wastewater from the yards overflowed into the storm sewer.  Tyson staff shut down production, identified the problem and returned the lift stations to operation.

The City of Storm Lake responded and were able to contain some of the wastewater and pumped it into the City’s sanitary sewer system however an unknown amount reached the lake.  The wastewater entered the lake near the intersection of Flindt and Lakeshore Drives.  The DNR recommends keeping children and pets away from this area for the next 48 hours.

The DNR will consider appropriate enforcement action. 
