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Receive 50 bonus seedlings with a fall color packet

  • 10/11/2016 3:27:00 PM
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DES MOINES – Love fall color? Plant some for yourself with a specialty packet from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ State Forest Nursery.

October kicks off another year of special seedling packets from the State Forest Nursery. This first monthly packet features species with rich fall color and includes a bonus 50 seedlings.

This Fall Color Packet includes 250 bare-root seedlings (for the price of 200 seedlings). The seedlings are between 8 and 24 inches, depending on the tree or shrub species.  Cost of the Fall Color Specialty Packet is $190, plus tax, shipping and handling.

Fall Color Packets include:

  • 50 highbush cranberries; excellent yellowish-red to reddish-purple fall foliage
  • 50 red oaks; deep red fall canopies, strong, storm-resistant wood and acorns to feed wildlife
  • 50 arrowwood viburnums; lush, green summer shrubs that turn pumpkin-orange in autumn and provide excellent wildlife cover
  • 50 aronias; radiant orange-purple shrubs with popular summer berries
  • And a bonus 50 black cherries; a rustic purple autumn tree whose berries make great jams and jellies, or food for birds and wildlife

To take advantage of this offer, call the State Forest Nursery at 1-800-865-2477 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and mention the “Fall Color Packet.” Each month, the State Forest Nursery creates a different specialty packet to offer a unique mix of tree and shrub species for that month only. This month’s specialty packet is only available until October 26, 2016.  

Anyone can purchase seedlings from the Iowa State Forest Nursery for CRP projects, to increase wildlife habitat, pollinator potential or diversify backyard woodlands.  More than 40 species are available from the nursery. Seedling choices, including photos and descriptions, can be seen in the seedling catalog at

For more information about this monthly special or other tree and shrub seedlings, contact the Iowa DNR State Forest Nursery at 1-800-865-2477.   
