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Informal Comment Period for the Draft Fee Rules and Draft Fee Schedule

  • 9/1/2015 12:00:00 PM
  • View Count 3751
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The Department conducted advisory group meetings with stakeholders in June and July 2015 to develop the rules and fee types and amounts to implement Senate File 488. Stakeholders continued to provide comments during the informal comment period that has been on-going since the meetings. The Department has revised the draft fee rules to incorporate changes based on the comments provided by stakeholders. 

The revised proposal continues to have a flat fee for asbestos notifications and new source review applications from minor sources, including registration permits, permit by rule, and permit templates. Instead of flat fees, the revised rulemaking proposes billable, hourly review fees for new source review applications for major sources and for applications for initial and renewal Title V operating permits. 

Dollar caps on fee types specified in Chapter 30, including the Title V emissions fee cap, have been added to the draft rules. Under the proposal, increases to any of the fee caps would only be made after adopting the change through a formal rulemaking. 

The department is also requesting comment on alternative approaches to the billable hours approach for both major source construction permit applications and Title V initial and renewal applications. If an alternative approach to billable hours for Title V operating permit applications is presented, comments are requested on whether the entire application fee for Title V operating permits should be included with the submittal of the application or whether the option should be made available for the fee to be paid in equal annual installments over a five-year time period, beginning when the application is submitted. 

The draft rulemaking proposal and draft fee schedule are available at Air Quality Stakeholder Involvement webpage (scroll down to the Public Input section and click on the section titled Draft Fee Rulemaking), or at

Please provide written comments and suggestions to Jim McGraw, Iowa DNR Air Quality Bureau, by close of business on September 8, 2015, at:

Mail or Hand-delivery: 
DNR Air Quality Bureau, 7900 Hickman Road, Suite 1, Windsor Heights, Iowa, 50324

This informal comment period is an opportunity for stakeholders to assist the DNR in developing the rule proposal. After considering public input, the DNR will consider any comments received and present a proposal to the Environmental Protection Commission (Commission). The public may also provide comments on the proposal at the Commission meeting. 

For more information, please contact Jim McGraw at the e-mail address noted above or by phone at (515) 725-9543. 
