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DNR accepting public comment for water quality certification of permit

  • 3/28/2024 3:10:00 PM
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DES MOINES -- The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is accepting public and stakeholder comments regarding the Section 401 Water Quality Certification of the new U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Regional Permit 7.

Regional Permits are general permits authorizing certain activities under Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act, which involve discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. Regional Permit 7 authorizes fill material placed in waters of the United States for linear transportation projects.

Applicants seeking authorization to discharge to waters of the United States must also have a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the DNR. With a few exceptions, projects permitted using a regional permit with DNR certification do not require DNR’s individual certification. Exceptions identified in the Antidegradation Implementation Procedure (2010 and 2016) do require individual certification.

Written comments regarding the certification and antidegradation analysis can be submitted until 4:30 p.m. on Apr. 21, 2024. Please send written comments via email to or by mail to Iowa DNR, Attn: Section 401 Water Quality Certification, 502 East Ninth St., Des Moines, Iowa, 50319.

View the proposed water quality certification, antidegradation analysis, and Regional Permit 7 under DNR 401 Public Notices at

Direct questions to Ian Willard at 515-954-6450 or

Air quality permits under review

MEDIA CONTACT: Marnie Stein, DNR, at 515-238-1887 or for Title V permits; or Peter Zayudis, DNR, at 515-201-4596 or for Construction permits.

DES MOINES – The DNR Air Quality Bureau has the following draft permits up for review. The permits help protect Iowans’ health and the air where we live. DNR’s permitting staff review the applications to ensure facilities comply with state and federal air quality standards. The public has the right and is encouraged to comment on draft permits. DNR considers public comments before finalizing the permits. Submit comments in writing to the assigned permit writer before 4:30 p.m. on the last day of the comment period.

Title V Operating Permits

Title V Operating permits are reviewed and re-issued every five years. Facilities with a Title V permit have the potential to emit large amounts of air pollutants compared to other facilities. The five-year reviews are a federal requirement and ensure adequate monitoring is included in the permit. The DNR plans to issue Title V Operating Permits for the following facilities.  Find permit details at or through the Iowa EASY Air Public Inquiry Portal and then click on the Public Notice tab.

Black Hawk County

MasterBrand Cabinets Waterloo Operations located at 1205 Peters Dr, Waterloo

The application was submitted to operate their existing Wood Kitchen Cabinets facility. The public comment period ends April 27.

Delaware County

Big River United Energy, LLC - Dyersville located at 3294 Vine Road, Dyersville

The application was submitted to operate their existing Industrial Organic Chemicals, NEC facility. The public comment period ends April 27.

Story County

National Centers for Animal Health located at 1920 Dayton Ave, Ames

The application was submitted to operate their existing Noncommercial Research Organizations facility. The public comment period ends April 27.

Construction Permits

DNR engineers review and issue construction permits to facilities before they build new or modify existing sources of air pollution. The public may review the following air quality construction permits available online at or through the EASY Air Public Inquiry Portal and then click the Public Notice tab.

Des Moines County

CNH Industrial America LLC (CNH) – 1930 Des Moines Ave, Burlington, Iowa 52601

Project No. 24-030

CNH specializes in manufacturing equipment for agriculture and construction. This project is to rescind eleven (11) PSD Permits. The permit numbers to be rescinded are as follows: 94-A-368-P2, 00-A-1051-P, 94-A-373-P2, 94-A-375-P2, 94-A-376-P2, 99-A-023-S2, 74-A-136, 88-A-025, 88-A-026, 88-A-114, and 88-A-115. 

Public comment period ends on May 27.

Lee County

Iowa Fertilizer Company, 3550 180th St, Wever

Project No. 24-043. Corrections to Product Haul Road emission rates, throughputs, and routes. The public comment period ends April 27.

DNR enforcement actions

MEDIA CONTACT: Tamara McIntosh, DNR, at 515-901-3294 or 

DES MOINES – DNR staff work with individuals, businesses and communities to help them protect our natural resources by complying with state and federal laws. This approach is very effective. In the few cases where compliance cannot be achieved, the DNR issues enforcement actions. The following list summarizes recent enforcement actions. Find the entire, original orders on DNR’s website at 

Consent OrdersA consent order is issued as an alternative to issuing an administrative order. A consent order indicates that the DNR has voluntarily entered into a legally enforceable agreement with the other party.

Lee County

Ames Business Group, LLC

Within 90 days, clean-up and decontaminate the site by appropriately disposing of all non-suspect material and by delivering asbestos-containing materials to a landfill as asbestos-containing waste; submit asbestos-containing material landfill receipts and recycling receipts; and pay a $2,000 administrative penalty.

O’Brien County

Kyle Heynen

Pay the annual compliance fees for 2020 through 2023 and pay a $2,500 administrative penalty.

Administrative Orders

Responsible parties have 60 days to appeal the order or 60 days to pay the penalty.
