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Revised Collection of Air Permits (CAP) Option Available for Comment

  • 2/16/2016 10:30:00 AM
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The DNR is proposing to create a new air quality construction permit option called a Collection of Air Permits (CAP). Current construction permit practice is to issue one permit per emission point. The new CAP permit option will still give a permit number to each emission point but will consolidate requirements in one easy-to-use document.

Several changes have been proposed to the CAP based on stakeholder comments received during the first CAP comment period in January. Additionally, the CAP was modified to be consistent with the recently updated standard permit format.

The DNR is seeking additional input on the CAP option and has posted on the Air Quality Bureau’s Stakeholder Involvement website at the following items for consideration:

- Updated Blank CAP Format
- Updated CAP Sample Permit Document
- Draft Procedures for requesting a CAP for existing units and modifying an existing CAP

DNR staff from both the construction permit and operating permit sections will host a meeting to discuss the updated CAP permit option and answer questions on February 25, 2016 at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Air Quality Bureau at 7900 Hickman Rd, Ste 1, Windsor Heights, IA 50324. A call-in option will also be available. Call in number: (866) 685-1580 with conference code: 5152425296.

Applicants will be able to request the CAP option on the Form FI when completing their requests for a permit and will also be able to combine existing permits into a CAP once finalized. An applicant might request a CAP to:

- Organize permits with emission caps over several pieces of equipment into one permit document
- Combine permits for emission points/emission units often modified together
- Combine emission units with multiple emission points into one document
- Combine all emission point/emission units in a “project” or “process”
- Combine emission points/emission units with the same federal requirements

Please contact Gary Smith, Construction Permit Senior Engineer at (515) 725-9563 or with any questions or comments by 4:30pm on February 25, 2016. DNR will consider any comments received on the proposed changes prior to finalizing the document. 
