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DNR Seeks Comments on Proposed Administrative Code Revisions

  • 6/13/2023 1:34:00 PM
  • View Count 2890
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DES MOINES--Pursuant to Executive Order 10 (EO10), the Iowa DNR's Water Quality Bureau has reviewed the following rule chapter: 567 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 9 - Delegation of Construction Permitting Authority.

The DNR is proposing to rescind Chapter 9 as it mirrors Iowa Code 455B.183. The DNR is seeking informal comments on the proposal. Written comments will be accepted until June 27, 2023. Written comments or questions regarding the proposed recission should be submitted to

Following this informal comment period, DNR will review all comments and prepare an updated draft Regulatory Analysis and draft Notice of Intended Action. A public comment period for the updated Regulatory Analysis and draft Notice of Intended Action will take place in September 2023, with a public hearing at the end of September 2023. 

The EO10 documents for Chapter 9, additional information on EO10, and future actions to other rule chapters that pertain to water quality programs can be found online at
