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Forestry Virtual Field Day Planned at Shimek State Forest

  • 9/29/2020 1:22:00 PM
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AMES, Iowa – The Shimek State Forest in Iowa’s southeast corner will again be featured for this year’s fall forestry field day – this time in a free online format.

Three educational sessions will highlight different aspects of forestry and bird life, in a series of short videos to be shown during a webinar Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. to noon.

“The central theme this year is forest management for birds, but we’ll cover a wide range of practical forestry topics relevant to private woodland owners,” said Billy Beck, assistant professor and extension forestry specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

Presenters at three sites will highlight a unique forestry or silviculture practice, and how those practices are important to different species of birds.

Topics will include clear-cutting, shelterwood and regenerating desired species; forest health and issues with disease and insects, as well as weather events like the recent derecho; and a timber market update.

“We want to make people aware of what’s going on across Iowa and provide them with the additional resources they may need,” Beck said.

Shimek State Forest encompasses more than 9,000 acres in Iowa’s Lee and Van Buren counties. The pre-dominant trees are oak-hickory and bottomland hardwood. Although the event focuses on this forest, the content will pertain to people across Iowa and the Midwest.

Other speakers will include Adam Janke, assistant professor and extension wildlife specialist; John Byrd, area forester at Shimek; Anna Buckhardt-Thomas, ecologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources; and a representative from the Iowa Woodland Owners Association.

Participants must register in advance for the webinar, and should test their equipment and connection in advance of the start time. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

A viewing will also be available at the ISU Extension and Outreach Lee County office, for those unable to connect from home. The webinar will also be archived online.

For more information, contact Beck at 515-294-8837, or
