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Mississippi River walleye length limit changes effective April 1

  • 4/1/2020 3:29:00 PM
  • View Count 20911
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Based on overwhelming support received during public meetings in March, Iowa DNR is extending current length limits in Mississippi River Pools 12-20 to now include the entire Mississippi River in Iowa. This change will reflect regulation changes in Minnesota and Wisconsin waters of Pools 9-12. The entire Iowa/Wisconsin and Iowa/Illinois Mississippi River boundary waters will now have uniform walleye regulations posted at access areas:

  • All walleyes less than 15 inches long and between 20-27 inches long must be immediately released.
  • Only one walleye greater than 27 inches long can be harvested per day.
  • Combined walleye/sauger daily harvest limit of 6 and possession limit of 12.

In 2003, a 20-27 inch protected slot limit on walleyes was put in place on the Upper Mississippi River in Pools 12-20. Very positive changes have occurred from this protected slot limit including an increase in size and number of walleyes, an increase in natural reproduction by protecting mature females, and greater trophy walleye opportunities for anglers. Changes apply to only walleyes on the Mississippi River. Panfish limits on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River will not change.
