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Construction Design Statement form revised

  • 10/17/2019 3:28:00 PM
  • View Count 2406
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Please note: the Construction Design Statement (DNR form 542-8068) was revised in September.

The revised version adds a checkbox under Section 1.C to indicate the producer understands no domestic wastewater or laundry facilities can discharge to a manure storage structure. Under Additional Requirements Section 2. Groundwater separation requirements, the revision includes a statement (in boldface) regarding conditions for perimeter tile outlets.

The Construction Design Statement form is required when proposing construction of a formed manure storage structure for a new or expanding confinement feeding operation (totally roofed) that meets these conditions:

  1. Has an animal unit capacity (AUC) of more than 500 animal units, e.g., more than 1,250 finishing hogs, 500 steers or immature dairy cows, or 357 mature dairy cattle.
  2. Does not require a professional engineer’s design.

If a professional engineer prepares a site-specific design, use the Professional Engineer Design Certification (form 542-8122) instead of the Construction Design Statement.
