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Opportunity to Provide Input on Draft Air Quality Rules

  • 8/16/2019 3:04:00 PM
  • View Count 2851
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The Iowa Department of Natural Resources - Air Quality Bureau (Iowa DNR) invites the public to provide informal comments on a draft rulemaking proposal.

The proposed rule changes continue previous efforts to improve rules for air quality programs. Affected businesses and the public benefit from up-to-date air quality requirements and increased effectiveness.

Facilitate Electronic Reporting for EASY Air

The draft proposal will help facilitate the Iowa DNR’s launch of the Iowa Environmental Application System - EASY Air. EASY Air is a new online electronic method for submitting air quality permit applications, registrations, notifications, and template applications and is expected to make application preparation easier, improve customer service and speed the Iowa DNR’s ability to issue permits while increasing data accuracy and cutting costs.

Clarify Requirements for Industrial Anaerobic Lagoons

The draft proposal updates the definition of “anaerobic lagoon,” to clarify that this definition is applicable to only air quality requirements. Other Iowa DNR regulations, such as those for wastewater, may have different meanings for the term “anaerobic lagoon” that are specific to that particular program area.

The draft proposal also includes removing two operating limits for industrial anaerobic lagoons and adding the siting requirement that is in Iowa Code section 455.134.

Ensure Consistency with Federal Regulations

The proposed rules adopt changes to the most current EPA methods for measuring air pollutant emissions (stack testing and continuous monitoring), the revised definition of “volatile organic compounds” (also known as “VOC”), and updated federal modeling guidelines used for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program.

The draft proposal also includes adoption of revisions to federal new source performance standards (NSPS) and air toxics standards (also known as National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants or NESHAP).

How to Provide Input

Written comments and suggestions on the draft proposal may be provided to Christine Paulson, Iowa DNR - Air Quality Bureau, by Tuesday, September 3, 2019, at, or by mail or hand-delivery to: DNR Air Quality Bureau, 502 E. 9th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319.

The draft rulemaking package is available on the DNR's air quality public participation website or at under the Public Input section.

Informal Public Input

This informal comment period is an opportunity for stakeholders to assist the Iowa DNR in developing the rule proposal. After considering public input, the Iowa DNR will determine whether to proceed with the rule making and present a proposal to the Environmental Protection Commission (Commission). The public may also provide comments on the proposal at the Commission meeting. If the Commission approves the proposal for public comment, the Notice of Intended Action will be published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin. The Notice’s publication will initiate a formal public comment period of at least 30 days. The Iowa DNR will hold a public hearing during the public comment period.

For more information, please contact Christine Paulson by e-mail at or by phone at 515-725-9510.
