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Switching to eMMP saves Mom’s sanity (well, lots of time and effort)

  • 9/14/2018 10:17:00 AM
  • View Count 6886
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Everyone values personal time. No one wants to drive extra miles. So, Londa Witte, DNR administrative assistant in Spencer, was excited to share a phone call she received:

“Best phone call of the day. One of our farmers has an MMP due. He tells his wife she needs to get it done.” Witte, who is also a farmer’s wife, identified with her caller, saying, “This frazzled farmer's wife has a 1- year-old and doesn't want to drive to two counties with the baby. She called me for help. 

“She had her PIN number. So I talked her through getting her account set up, and she filed her eMMP in less than 10 minutes--all while the baby napped.”  

That’s the kind of story we want to hear!

If you have an annual Manure Management Plan short form due soon, take note. Learn how to submit it online at DNR’s eMMP page where you will find:

  • Two videos, one with the eMMP benefits, one explaining eMMPs
  • A webinar link to step-by-step instructions for every part of the process
  • Entry to the eMMP application
  • A fact sheet with Instructions for Online eMMP Submittal.
