Discharge reported from mysterious tile line in Whiting - DNR News Releases

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Discharge reported from mysterious tile line in Whiting

  • 7/17/2018 8:02:00 AM
  • View Count 2856
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WHITING, Iowa -- On Friday July 13, the DNR was notified of a clay tile line discharging into a ditch near the City of Whiting's wastewater treatment plant.

Upon further investigation, DNR staff found a tile line discharging sewer into the Candless-Cleghorn ditch, which runs into Guard Lake. It is estimated that approximately 50 gallons is being discharged into the ditch per minute. It is unknown how long it has been discharging or whether it is connected to the city's wastewater treatment plant. Samples have been collected and will be analyzed. 

Whiting city officials plan to cap the tile line with concrete within the next 48 hours, which should stop the bypass into the ditch. Furthermore, they plan to hire consultants to identify the origin of the tile line and what it may be connected to. 

The DNR will continue to work with the city of Whiting and its consultants and determine if any enforcement action is necessary.
