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Orange dye in Davenport’s Crow Creek traced to mulching operation

  • 6/8/2018 5:04:00 PM
  • View Count 5229
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DAVENPORT - DNR staff from Washington, Iowa, headed to Davenport Thursday afternoon after receiving a call and a photo showing bright orange flow in Crow Creek east of the Davenport airport.

The DNR traced the discharge Thursday to a storm sewer in the River Cities Industrial Center north of the Interstate 80 and U.S. Highway 61 interchange.

On Friday, the DNR confirmed Timber Industries dyed mulch from about 3:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday, and excess orange dye flowed into the storm sewer then entered Crow Creek.

Field tests showed adequate oxygen in the creek and normal levels for ammonia and acidity. DNR staff did not see any dead fish.

The DNR will continue to investigate and consider appropriate enforcement action.
