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Make Sure You’re Certified – before you land apply

  • 9/18/2017 9:09:00 AM
  • View Count 5906
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Harvest is fast approaching. Once the crops come out, the manure goes on.

"I urge land applicators to get in there and take the training to become certified if they haven't already done so," said Jeff Prier, DNR’s MAC training coordinator. "There is always new information in the training, and we'd rather see you and your staff certified than have to issue a notice of violation or assess a penalty."

Please make sure your certificate is up-to-date before land applying manure. There are three ways to become certified:

1. Commercial and confinement applicators may watch a video during monthly scheduled dates and times at their local Iowa State University Extension and Outreach office. Find training and viewing opportunities at your local extension office. Although not required, registration ensures that there will be space and training materials available.

2. Or, consider taking advantage of DNR’s online training and fee paying option. First you will have to create an IowaID, following the prompts. Find more information about certification at or

3. Finally, applicators may take and pass a test in lieu of training. Please schedule a testing time at your local DNR field office
