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Lake City wastewater discharge in Calhoun County may end today

  • 8/31/2017 1:23:00 PM
  • View Count 3070
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LAKE CITY—Thursday morning, officials in Lake City reported wastewater overflowing from a manhole on the northwest side of town near the cemetery.

The ongoing discharge began overnight when a pump failed and a pumping station flooded. An estimated 5,500 gallons per hour of untreated wastewater is flowing from the manhole to Lake Creek south of the bridge crossing on County Road N37. Lake Creek runs about four miles downstream to the North Raccoon River.

Officials hope to end the discharge by pumping wastewater to the lagoon once a portable pump arrives this afternoon.

DNR recommends keeping children and pets away from the creek for 24 to 48 hours after the discharge ends. Downstream farmers should find an alternative source of drinking water for livestock.

The DNR will continue to monitor the situation and provide technical assistance, and consider enforcement action if it’s appropriate.
