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REAP County Conservation Grants Approved

  • 10/15/2015 10:34:00 AM
  • View Count 5432
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The Natural Resource Commission of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources approved four Resource Enhancement and Protection grants to County Conservation Boards during its October meeting. The grants totaled $1.285 million.

REAP County Conservation grants are available to counties that have dedicated at least 22¢ per $1,000 of the assessed value of taxable property in the county for county conservation purposes.

REAP County Grants
BREMER COUNTY, Ingawanis Woodland, $302,899 - The project will acquire a 140-acre diverse woodland along the Cedar River that is ready-made for county programming and public use. The property was part of a former scout camp and has been improved with soft trails and a lodge facility for environmental education activities. Bremer County will use the area as a regional base for environmental education outreach activities and conservation of the Cedar River near Waverly.

JOHNSON COUNTY, Pechman Creek Delta & Iowa River Project, $673,297 - This project includes the acquisition of 369.14 acres, with 2.3 miles of Iowa River frontage and a 1.5 mile length, wetland – slough complex that serves as an estuary for the Iowa River. The project site is a delta formation wetland complex where a perennial stream has cut through an intact bottomland oak savanna. The wetland and savanna plant community supports the river system as a breeding place for fish, reptiles, amphibians and mussels.

PALO ALTO COUNTY Grant 1, The Kettlehole Prairie, $175,400 - This project will acquire a 40-acre tract which includes a kettlehole. This unique site is a priority due to the geological feature and it is adjacent to 1,009 acres of other county and state wildlife areas, bordering the West for of the Des Moines River. It will be restored to its natural habitat, forming a more extensive corridor for wildlife.

PALO ALTO COUNTY Grant 2, Glacial Ridge, $133,414 - This project will acquire a diverse 46 acre wildlife /recreation area. The lay of the land is rocky and hilly, 14-18 percent slope, with native grasses and forbs, including many on the Coefficient of Conservatism list. The unique site is a priority due to the geological features of the glacial ridges and wildlife listed as Species of Greatest Conservation Need. It is adjacent to a 24 acre tract owned by the Board. The grant amount was the funds remaining and below the $169,460 request, but was accepted by Palo Alto County. Fayette and Clay counties each had projects scoring higher, but declined partial funding.
