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Reminder: Proposed animal feeding operation rules up for approval at Oct. 18 commission meeting

  • 10/20/2016 8:37:00 AM
  • View Count 3519
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Changes to Chapter 65 Animal Feeding Operations rules are up for approval at the Oct. 18 Environmental Protection Meeting in Des Moines. Proposed changes stem from recent legislative action exempting swine farrowing and gestation operations from the definition of “qualified confinement feeding operations,” adding fish production facilities to regulated facilities, allowing confinements to downsize to small animal feeding operations without dismantling parts of the buildings, letting animal truck wash facilities meet animal feeding operations regulations and incorporating federal national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit requirements for open feedlots.

Proposed rule changes also allow the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship to regulate open feedlot solids, and update and clarify rules.

Find the summary and response to public comments on the DNR’s AFO Rules page. Find the complete rule proposal, commission agenda and rule briefing on the DNR’s Environmental Protection Commision’s page.

The commission meeting starts at 10 a.m. in Room 116 of the Iowa State Capitol, 1007 E. Grand Avenue. The meeting is open to the public and public participation is fourth on the agenda, following the monthly reports. Comments may also be submitted to Jerah Sheets prior to the meeting.
