This notice of nondiscrimination is available in the following languages:

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, English-language proficiency, disability, or age in the administration of its programs or activities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. DNR will not tolerate discrimination, intimidation, threats, coercion, or retaliation against any individual or group because they have exercised their rights protected by federal or state law. As a recipient of federal funding, DNR is required to comply with federal nondiscrimination laws, including the following:

DNR’s compliance extends to federal regulations implementing the above-referenced statutes, including:
  • Department of Homeland Security: Title 6 Code of Federal Regulations Part 17 and Part 21
  • Department of Agriculture: Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations Part 15, Part 15a, Part 15b, Part 15c
  • Department of Defense: Title 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 56, Part 195, and Part 196
  • Environmental Protection Agency: Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 5 and Part 7
  • Department of Interior: Title 43 Code of Federal Regulations Part 17, and Part 41
  • Department of Homeland Security (Federal Emergency Management Agency): Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations Part 7 and Part 19
  • Department of Transportation: Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 21, Part 25, and Part 27
As a state agency, DNR is also required to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (“ADA”) and its implementing regulations at Title 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 35, and the Iowa Civil Rights Act, Iowa Code 216. If you have any questions about DNR’s nondiscrimination notice or programs, or if you believe you have been discriminated against with respect to a DNR program or activity, you may contact either of DNR’s nondiscrimination coordinators:

Rachel Zander
Civil Rights and Nondiscrimination Coordinator
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
6200 Park Ave., Ste 200
Des Moines, IA 50321
Emily Cohen
ADA and Nondiscrimination Coordinator
Iowa Department of Natural Resources
6200 Park Ave., Ste 200
Des Moines, IA 50321


Free Language Assistance
If you speak a non-English language, we offer you language assistance services free of charge. Call (515) 725-8200.

Asistencia lingüística gratuita
Si habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, los servicios de asistencia lingüística están disponibles de forma gratuita. Llame al (515) 725-8200.

หากคุณพูดภาษาอื่นที่ไม่ใช่ภาษาอังกฤษ เรามีบริการช่วยเหลือทางภาษาให้คุณฟรี โทร (515) 725-8200

Language Access Plan
The Language Access Plan reflects DNR’s commitment to serving Iowans of all backgrounds and cultures, including individuals with limited English proficiency. By adopting this Plan, DNR recognizes its obligation to provide meaningful access to programs, services, and activities by removing language-based barriers to public interaction. Additionally, the Plan provides the procedures DNR follows in responding to requests for interpretation, translation, and other language services and in assessing need for language services.


DNR provides reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis, such as qualified sign language interpreters and written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, etc.), when needed to communicate effectively with persons with disabilities. If you need these services please contact Rachel Zander at 515-725-8200, Relay Iowa TTY Service at 800-735-7942, or to discuss what aid or service is appropriate.

El DNR ofrece adaptaciones razonables según el caso, como intérpretes de lenguaje de señas capacitados e información por escrito en otros formatos (letra grande, audio, formatos electrónicos accesibles, etc.), cuando sea necesario para comunicarse de manera eficaz con personas con discapacidades. Si necesita estos servicios, póngase en contacto con Rachel Zander al 515-725-8200, con el Servicio de Retransmisión por Teletexto (TTY) de Iowa al 800-735-7942 o con para analizar qué tipo de ayuda o de servicio es adecuado.

Disability Nondiscrimination Plan
The Disability Nondiscrimination Plan reflects DNR’s commitment to providing individuals with disabilities the opportunity for full participation in its programs, services, and activities. Consistent with DNR’s Notice of Nondiscrimination, the Plan establishes the procedures DNR follows in responding to requests for accommodations and maintaining accessible facilities.

Demographic Data

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is required by federal nondiscrimination law to “collect, maintain, and … provide the following information: … Racial/ethnic, national origin, age, sex and handicap data….” 40 C.F.R. § 7.85(a)(2). DNR collects demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau, using the most recent data available. Citations are available for each type of data collected.

Total Population: 3,200,517

  • Race:
    • White alone: 2,702,598
    • American Indian or Alaskan native alone: 11,718
    • Asian or Pacific Islander alone: 84,312
    • Black or African American alone: 121,447
    • Some other race alone: 75,079
    • Two or more races: 205,363
  • Hispanic or Latino:
    • Hispanic or Latino: 218,024
    • Not Hispanic or Latino: 2,982,493
  • Age:
    • Under 18 years: 716,748
    • 18 to 24 years: 324,258
    • 25-34 years: 401,666
    • 35-44 years: 405,073
    • 45-54 years: 361,104
    • 55-64 years: 402,789
    • 65 years and over: 588,879
  • Sex:
    • Male: 1,607,659
    • Female: 1,592,858
  • Disability:
    • With a disability: 402,615
      • With a hearing difficulty: 115,978
      • With a vision difficulty: 62,546
      • With a cognitive difficulty: 155,898
      • With an ambulatory difficulty: 169,868
      • With a self-care difficulty: 59,444
      • With an independent living difficulty: 134,510
    • No disability: 2,750,722


Race/ethnicity: U.S. Census Bureau. "Race." American Community Survey, ACS 1-Year Supplemental Estimates, Table K200201, 2022, 1-Year Supplemental
Estimates. Accessed on February 22, 2024.

Hispanic or Latino: U.S. Census Bureau. "Hispanic or Latino Origin." American Community Survey, ACS 1- Year Supplemental Estimates, Table K200301, 2022, 1-Year Supplemental
Estimates. Accessed on February 22, 2024.

Age: U.S. Census Bureau. "Population by Age." American Community Survey, ACS 1-Year Supplemental Estimates, Table K200104, 2022, 1-Year Supplemental
Estimates. Accessed on February 22, 2024.

Sex: U.S. Census Bureau. "Population by Sex." American Community Survey, ACS 1-Year Supplemental Estimates, Table K200101, 2022, 1-Year Supplemental Estimates. Accessed on February 22, 2024.

Disability: U.S. Census Bureau. "Types of Disabilities." American Community Survey, ACS 1-Year Supplemental Estimates, Table K201803, 2022, 1-Year Supplemental Estimates. Accessed on February 22, 2024.


The following options are available for people who have concerns or complaints about services provided by DNR or DNR practices.

Informal Complaints
DNR encourages anyone with concerns about potential failure to provide services or discrimination in providing services to first discuss the matter with either of DNR’s Nondiscrimination Coordinators (the Environmental Justice Coordinator and/or ADA Coordinator). Individuals are not required to pursue the informal process first and may engage the formal complaint (grievance) process as their first step if preferred.

The purpose of the informal complaint process is to make a good faith effort to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. However, the individual may ask to implement the formal process at any time during the informal resolution. If you have concerns about services provided by DNR or DNR practices, or if you would like to relay your experiences to DNR without making a formal complaint, please contact Rachel Zander at 515-305-0324 or

Formal Complaints (Grievance) Procedures
If you believe that DNR has failed to provide services or discriminated in another way based on race, color, national origin (including language), disability, sex, or age, you can file a grievance, in person or by mail or email with Rachel Zander, 515-305-0324 or The Grievance Procedure provides a process for filing a timely formal complaint to the proper authority and describes the process that will be used to investigate and resolve the complaint. The procedures do not apply to administrative actions that are being pursued in another forum.

If you would like to file a complaint, you may complete and return the fillable Grievance Form. Further instructions are on the form. If you prefer, you may instead complete a Google Form for a Title VI/Discrimination Complaint (non-employee). If you have questions, check out our Discrimination Complaint FAQ or contact the Environmental Justice Coordinator via the information listed above.

If you would prefer to file a complaint about DNR or DNR’s practices with a different agency, a list of federal and state agencies and their contact information is included in the Grievance Procedure.

The grievance process also applies to subrecipients of federal funding; formal grievances may be submitted to DNR related to subrecipients of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Transportation funding. Formal grievances related to other subrecipients of federal funding may be submitted to federal agencies directly; please contact a nondiscrimination coordinator for more information.

Las siguientes opciones están disponibles para las personas que tengan inquietudes o denuncias sobre los servicios prestados por el DNR o sobre las prácticas del DNR.

Denuncias informales
El DNR alienta a cualquier persona que tenga dudas sobre la posible falta de prestación de servicios o sobre la discriminación en la prestación de servicios a que primero analice la cuestión con cualquiera de los coordinadores de lucha contra la discriminación del DNR (el coordinador de justicia ambiental o el coordinador de la ADA). Las personas no están obligadas a iniciar primero el proceso informal y, si lo prefieren, pueden iniciar el proceso formal de denuncia como primer paso.

El objetivo del proceso informal de denuncia es hacer un esfuerzo de buena fe para resolver el problema de manera rápida y eficiente. Sin embargo, la persona puede solicitar implementar el proceso formal en cualquier momento durante la resolución informal. Si tiene dudas sobre los servicios que brinda el DNR o sobre las prácticas del DNR, o si desea transmitir sus experiencias al DNR sin presentar una denuncia formal, póngase en contacto con Rachel Zander llamando al 515-305-0324 o escribiendo a

Procedimientos formales de denuncia
Si cree que el DNR no le ha brindado servicios o lo ha discriminado de otra manera por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad (incluido el idioma), discapacidad, sexo o edad, puede presentar una queja en persona o por correo postal o electrónico a Rachel Zander (515-305-0324 o El procedimiento de queja brinda un proceso para presentar una denuncia formal oportuna ante la autoridad correspondiente y describe el proceso que se utilizará para investigar y resolver la denuncia. Los procedimientos no se aplican a las acciones administrativas que se estén llevando a cabo en otro foro.

Si desea presentar una denuncia, puede completar y enviar el formulario de queja para completar. Encontrará más instrucciones en el formulario. Si lo prefiere, puede completar un formulario de Google para presentar una denuncia por discriminación en virtud del Título VI (si no es empleado). Si tiene preguntas, consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes sobre denuncias por discriminación o póngase en contacto con el coordinador de justicia ambiental a través de la información que se indica anteriormente.

Si prefiere presentar una denuncia sobre el DNR o sobre las prácticas del DNR ante otra agencia, en el procedimiento de queja, se incluye una lista de las agencias federales y estatales, y su información de contacto.

El proceso de queja también se aplica a los beneficiarios secundarios de fondos federales; se pueden presentar quejas formales al DNR relacionadas con los beneficiarios secundarios de fondos de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos y del Departamento de Transporte de los Estados Unidos. Las quejas formales relacionadas con otros beneficiarios secundarios de fondos federales pueden presentarse directamente a las agencias federales; comuníquese con los coordinadores de lucha contra la discriminación para obtener más información.