Stream Details

Mossy Glen

General Information

County: Clayton
Location: Located five miles northwest of Edgewood at the termination of the Level B portion of Eagle Ave. A small parking lot is on the opposite side of the farmstead with a 0.4 mile walk, then follow the grade B road to the lower end of the trout stream.
Stream Segment Length: 0.50


Amenities at Mossy Glen include:
    Community stockings occurring. To find out when and where the next one will be, check out our website at Don't forget to purchase your 2025 fishing license and trout fee. Trout streams in excellent condition but low.
    Brook Trout - Fair: Use midge, minnow, or leach patterns for fish looking to get more bang for their effort.
    Brown Trout - Good: Fish around an undercut bank or similar structure. Cloudy days and off color water are a perfect mix for catching this trout.
    Rainbow Trout - Good: Rainbow trout spawn is on showing brighter colors. Hatchery holdovers remain in the stream teasing anglers. Use a small spinner bait or hair jig floated past or through deep bank or hole.

    A low density self sustaining brown trout population is present in Mossy Glen Creek in Mossy Glen State Preserve and some adjacent private lands. Access to private lands is by landowner permssion only.(2025)

    Parking Access
    Catchable Trout Waters
    Fingerling Stocked or Natural Reproduction
    Restrictive Regulation Stream

    You can zoom the map in and out using the slider on the left hand side, and you can pan the map by clicking and dragging. Rollover features for more information. Click streams to go to their page.

        No known aquatic invasive species have been found
    The Fishing Regulations brochure is available for download. The summaries listed below are a partial listing provided for your benefit.

    • Brown Trout
      • Season: Continuous
      • Daily Bag Limit: combined trout (brook, brown, and rainbow) - 5 fish
      • Possession Limit: combined trout (brook, brown, and rainbow) - 10 fish
      • Length Limit: none
      • Other: Anglers must have paid the Trout Fee to fish for or possess trout
    • White Sucker
      • Season: Continuous
      • Daily Bag Limit: none
      • Possession Limit: unlimited
      • Length Limit: none
      • Other: May be taken by hand fishing, by snagging, by spear or by bow and arrow, day or night.
    Tip: Click the arrow in the lower right corner to view the Fish Survey Data tool in full-screen mode.

    Iowa-Caught Fish Are Safe to Eat, In Almost All Cases

    The vast majority of Iowa’s streams, rivers and lakes offer safe and high-quality fish that pose little or no threat to human health if consumed. Some limitations may apply for young children and pregnant women. Here’s a Fish Consumption Fact Sheet from the Iowa DNR and the Iowa Dept. of Public Health for more information.
