Dewey’s Pasture Wildlife Complex is a bucket list destination 7/28/2020 12:24:00 PM View Count 4275 The 8,000-acre Dewey’s Pasture complex, in northwest Iowa, is one of the best representatives of pre-settlement grassland-wetland ecosystems in the state and one of Iowa’s premier public areas.
Heritage Hills is developing into a destination public area 45 miles south of Des Moines 6/16/2020 1:47:00 PM View Count 6077 It’s not often that the opportunity to build a large wildlife area from the ground up comes along, but that’s what’s happening right now at Heritage Hills Wildlife Area on the Madison and Clarke County line.
Kettleson Hogsback is like nowhere else in Iowa 6/19/2018 1:35:00 PM View Count 10948 SPIRIT LAKE - Dickinson County is home to a unique Iowa glacial area that has been attracting thousands of visitors a year, some from as far away as California, just to enjoy the scenery.
Kellerton Grasslands Named a Globally Important Bird Area 12/8/2017 8:12:00 AM View Count 3588 In August, Ringgold County’s Kellerton Grasslands Important Bird Area (IBA) was elevated to status of a Globally Important Bird Area (GIBA) by BirdLife International, based in Great Britain, and the National Audubon Society.
13th Annual Prairie Chicken Day April 2 3/22/2016 8:34:00 AM View Count 6473 Kellerton, Iowa - The Kellerton Grasslands Bird Conservation Area in southeast Ringgold County will be the site for the 13th annual Prairie Chicken Day on April 2, beginning at 6 a.m., at the booming ground viewing platform.
Fire Helps Manage Iowa's Grasslands 3/11/2016 9:18:00 AM View Count 10240 The work to improve Iowa’s prairies takes center stage each spring when agencies and private landowners use fire to manage their grasslands and improve their value for wildlife.
DNR Works to Restore Rare, But Historically Important Habitat 11/3/2015 7:58:00 AM View Count 5279 RUTHVEN – An ambitious effort to restore one of Iowa’s rarest natural habitats is being undertaken throughout northwest and north central Iowa.