DNR tracking fish kill in White Breast Creek near Osceola 8/7/2019 1:02:00 PM View Count 2694 OSCEOLA—The DNR is tracking a spill from the Osceola wastewater treatment plant that is causing a fish kill in White Breast Creek.
DNR officer pulls angler from West Lake Osceola 2/10/2017 12:56:00 PM View Count 15614 Osceola, Iowa - State Conservation Officer Michael Miller was on routine patrol late Friday morning when he saw two men setting up an ice fishing shelter on West Lake Osceola, in southern Iowa.
Leaking Manure Storage Reaches Creek in Osceola 6/16/2016 2:35:00 PM View Count 3423 ASHTON – Thursday morning a complaint about a manure discharge led DNR investigators to a leaking aboveground storage tank about 1.5 miles northeast of Ashton in Osceola County.