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DNR supports Septic Awareness Week, September 19 to 23

  • 9/15/2016 2:52:00 PM
  • View Count 3539
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DES MOINES – One fourth of Iowa homes – about 300,000 households, both rural and near urban areas ­­– depend on a septic system for their wastewater treatment.

“It’s crucial to maintain and care for those systems properly to protect our health and our waters,” said Daniel Olson, an environmental specialist with the DNR.

The Iowa DNR is supporting SepticSmart Week, Sept. 19 to 23, a nationwide campaign sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 

“Following a few simple steps for daily use and having the system inspected at least once every three years can help prevent costly failures and repairs,” Olson said. 

Septic failures are most likely to occur if you neglect your septic system. Olson suggests having home septic systems inspected and serviced in fall, before the ground freezes and access becomes limited. Find more tips from EPA at
