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Iowa DNR Sustainable Materials Management initiative releases economic, environmental impact study reports

  • 10/31/2024 1:38:00 PM
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DES MOINES – The Iowa DNR’s Sustainable Materials Management initiative is announcing the results of three studies examining the environmental and economic impacts of recycling in the state. 

The initiative, which promotes finding new opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources, and reduce costs associated with managing materials throughout their life cycle, has posted three materials management reports to the Sustainable Materials Management webpage at

These reports provide insight into what is being recycled in Iowa, the value and environmental impacts of landfilled materials and the recovery rate of Iowa’s deposit beverage containers.

Landfill Material Analysis Report 

Iowans landfilled over $95 million of reusable, recyclable and compostable materials that could have been diverted through existing landfill diversion programs. The Landfill Material Analysis study investigated landfilled materials that could have been recovered for recycling, reuse, composting, and remanufacturing. The analysis includes material recoverability and impacts to greenhouse gas emissions and Iowa’s economy through job creation and the value of materials lost to the landfill.

Iowa Recycling Facility Report 

Ever wonder where your recyclables go after they leave your curbside or after you drop materials into recycling collection containers? This study documents the tonnages of traditional recyclables managed in Iowa and an accompanying interactive map displays the flow of these materials to accumulators and processors throughout the state for marketing.

2022 Deposit Container Recovery Rate Report 

States with beverage container deposit programs consistently show increased recovery and cleaner containers, compared to traditional curbside and drop-off collection programs. This report provides the methodology and calculated recovery rate of the state’s beverage container deposit law, also known as the “bottle bill.”

"Analyzing what we are landfilling and seeing the amount of recyclables that could have been recovered through existing collection programs, is eye opening," says Tom Anderson with the Iowa DNR Land Quality Bureau. "Data resulting from these reports provide valuable information guiding state and local planning and program efforts toward capturing additional, limited natural resources before they are lost to the landfill, and putting them back into the marketplace to create new products and jobs, and reduce harmful environmental impacts."

The Iowa DNR Sustainable Materials Management program aims to protect human health and the environment through effective and efficient use of natural resources throughout the life cycle of consumer products. To learn more, visit
