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Duplicate Air Quality Files in OpenText

  • 6/20/2023 2:02:00 PM
  • View Count 2782
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Users of DNR’s OpenText electronic records management system may come across instances where searches for an air quality record may produce two identical records. The contents of the duplicate records will be the same but the duplicate records will have different file names and upload dates.

This is a temporary issue and is associated with a second upload of records from the DocDNA system. The issue is expected to be resolved by mid-July when all of the records from DocDNA have been uploaded and the duplicate records have been removed from the system.

The DNR is nearing completion of the process of transitioning all air quality records from DocDNA to OpenText. Since February 4, 2022, all new air quality electronic records documents are being uploaded to OpenText only. It is recommended that online records searches include both OpenText and DocDNA until the transition to Open Text is completed. DNR will let users know when this transition has been completed.

Access records information contained in OpenText through the web-based interface Document Search.  A users guide and tutorial video for Document Search are available on the Air Quality Public Records webpage. Information on accessing DocDNA is also on this webpage.

Please contact the Air Quality Records Center (by email to or call 515-210-6071) if you have questions or need assistance with using either records system.
