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Iowa DNR accepting comments on proposed new veteran licenses

  • 8/9/2022 2:21:00 PM
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DES MOINES - The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting comments on new veteran licenses, through August 19.

During the 90th General Assembly, Senate File 581 was passed and signed into law on June 17, 2022. Senate File 581 establishes a new lifetime trout fishing license for Iowa residents who qualify for the disabled veteran homestead credit under Iowa Code section 425.15.  

Senate File 2383 was passed and signed into law on June 16, 2022. Senate File 2383 establishes a new annual armed forces fishing license and a new annual armed forces hunting and fishing combined license to be issued to any resident of Iowa who has served in the armed forces of the United States on federal active duty.  The law provides that the fee for the new veteran licenses shall be no more than five dollars.

Iowa Code section 483A.1 requires that all license fees be promulgated in rule. Accordingly, this proposed rulemaking would add these new licenses to 571 Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) chapter 15 and would establish a $63 fee for the disabled veteran lifetime trout license and a $5 fee for each of the new veteran licenses.

Comments on the proposed new veteran licenses  may be submitted through August 19 via email to, or by mail to Joe Larscheid, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Wallace State Office Building, 502 East Ninth Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0034.

This informal comment period is an opportunity for stakeholders to assist the DNR in developing the rule proposal. After considering public input, the DNR will determine whether to proceed with the rule making and present a proposal to the Governor’s Office and the Natural Resource Commission. If a formal rulemaking goes forward, you will have additional opportunities to submit comments to the proposed rule.

For more information, please contact Joe Larscheid by email at or by phone at 515-201-3376.
