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2021 hunting, fishing license sales

  • 1/25/2022 3:40:00 PM
  • View Count 3596
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In 2021, Iowa residents purchased…

208,984 annual licenses
8,394 lifetime fishing licenses
13,051 three-year licenses
1,081 seven-day licenses
2,641 one-day licenses
46,568 trout fees
264 paddlefish licenses
16,405 third line licenses (resident and nonresident combined)
43,793 fishing, hunting and habitat combination licenses

35,058 annual licenses
59,252 hunting and habitat annual combination licenses
3036 lifetime hunting licenses
3,370 hunting and habitat three-year licenses
1,347 apprentice (hunting and habitat) licenses
24,276 migratory game bird licenses
34,838 habitat fees
13,739 furharvester annual licenses age 16 and older
556 furharvester annual licenses age 15 and younger
504 furharvester and habitat annual combination licenses
350 lifetime furharvester licenses

Large Game
11,877 youth general deer, 880 antlerless deer licenses
239 disabled hunter general deer, 48 antlerless deer licenses
54,202 archery general deer, 21,960 antlerless deer licenses
6,788 early muzzleloader general deer, 1,459 antlerless deer licenses
44,539 first shotgun general deer, 16,897 antlerless deer licenses
46,571 second shotgun general deer, 18,635 antlerless deer licenses
20,217 late muzzleloader general deer, 10,317 antlerless deer licenses

5,793 spring bow licenses
17,500 spring gun/bow licenses seasons 1-3
16,226 spring gun/bow licenses season 4
5,948 spring youth gun/bow licenses
2,330 fall gun/bow
1,660 fall bow

57 youth general deer licenses, 40 antlerless deer licenses
5,149 archery general deer licenses, 5,253 antlerless deer licenses
1,081 early muzzleloader general deer licenses, 864 antlerless deer licenses
22,242 first and second shotgun season general deer licenses, 18,449 antlerless deer licenses
2,278 late muzzleloader general deer licenses, 3,644 antlerless deer licenses

1,989 spring gun/bow season 1-3
2,032 spring gun/bow season 4
757 bow licenses
28 youth licenses
2,364 fall gun/bow
966 fall bow

In 2021, nonresidents purchased…

26,777 annual licenses
2,509 seven-day licenses
12,047 three-day licenses
14,198 one-day licenses
6,856 trout fees
50 paddlefish licenses

6,476 annual licenses age 18 and older
12,977 hunting and habitat annual combination licenses age 18 and older
3,909 five-day licenses
2,082 five-day hunting and habitat combination
12,894 habitat fees
3,884 migratory game bird fees
759 apprentice (hunting and habitat) licenses
86 furharvester annual licenses
51 furharvester and habitat annual combination licenses
