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New form makes it EASY to request equipment deactivation in Iowa EASY Air

  • 12/1/2020 9:18:00 AM
  • View Count 2421
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The DNR’s EASY Air team has created a Facility Equipment Deactivation Form that provides companies with an “EASY” way to request the DNR deactivate existing equipment at the facility in Iowa EASY Air.  EASY Air Help Desk staff will use the information provided by the form to deactivate the affected equipment which will prevent it from appearing on the facility emission point, emission unit, or control equipment forms in Iowa EASY Air.

The form can be downloaded from the eAir Services page,, under the "What Instructions Are Available?” link.  The form requests basic information about the emission point, emissions units, and control equipment included in the deactivation request, including the equipment ID and description, operation end date of the equipment, and the permit number for the emission point. The form includes a third page for additional emission points, control equipment, or emissions units if there is not enough space on the first page of the form to list all affected equipment.

Users can complete the form electronically and email it to the EASY Air Help Desk ( On the e-mail subject line, type “EASY Air Equipment Deactivation Form.”

EASY Air Help Desk staff will notify the requester when the changes have been completed. The changes will be made in Iowa EASY Air only and will not affect the status of any equipment in the State & Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS) or in a construction or operating permit.

If you have any questions on completing the form or for additional information on Iowa EASY Air, please contact the EASY Air Help Desk at
