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DNR enforcement actions - November 5, 2020

  • 11/5/2020 11:43:00 AM
  • View Count 2307
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DES MOINES – DNR staff work with individuals, businesses and communities to help them protect our natural resources by complying with state and federal laws. This approach is very effective. In the few cases where compliance cannot be achieved, the DNR issues enforcement actions. The following list summarizes recent enforcement actions. Find the entire, original orders on DNR’s website at

Consent Orders
A consent order is issued as an alternative to issuing an administrative order. A consent order indicates that the DNR has voluntarily entered into a legally enforceable agreement with the other party.

Buena Vista County
Ag Partners, LLC
Implement Best Management Practices required by Group 1 Grain Elevator Registration; submit to DNR for approval a compliance plan to resolve excess emissions; install specified equipment on Dump Pit No. 3 no later than Dec. 1, 2020; implement new training on dust management and provide DNR with copies of training materials, training dates, and names and positions of trained employees; and pay a $6,500 administrative penalty.

Clayton County
City of McGregor
Comply with all laws regulating the discharge of a pollutant into a water of the state; comply with all terms of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit, including the notification requirements in the event a bypass occurs in the future; submit facility or system update plans to DNR for approval by Aug. 1, 2021; begin construction project bidding to implement the approved update by Jan. 2, 2022; begin construction by May 1, 2022; and complete construction by May 31, 2023.

Muscatine County
Vitalix, Inc.
Cease all illegal discharges to waters of the state; comply with all laws, rules, and permits applicable to wastewater and storm water discharges; submit to DNR a written plan to prevent releases from its wastewater holding tank, and to prevent any releases, should one occur, from entering the City of Wilton's storm sewer system; and pay a $5,500 administrative penalty. 

Vitalix, Inc.
Cease all illegal discharges to waters of the state; submit to DNR a written plan to prevent releases of wastewater; and to prevent any releases, should one occur, from entering the City of Wilton's storm sewer system; and pay a $1,000 administrative penalty.

Vitalix, Inc.
Rescission of administrative order 2019-WW-06.

Vitalix, Inc.
Rescission of administrative order 2020-WW-06.  

Palo Alto County
Garrelts Livestock Feeders, LLP
Pay a $2,000 administrative penalty. 

Polk County
William Kimberely Development Corporation
Comply with all conditions of its National Pollution Elimination System Permit, to include the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and requirement to hire qualified personnel to inspect disturbed areas of the construction site; and pay a $8,000 administrative penalty.

Tama County
Larry Dolezal
Cease illegal open burning of solid wastes; properly reuse, recycle, or dispose of all solid wastes as required by law; and pay a $2,000 administrative penalty.
