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DNR announces virtual public meeting for Supreme Beef, LLC nutrient management plan

  • 8/20/2020 12:16:00 PM
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CLAYTON COUNTY -- The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will host a virtual public meeting on Aug. 31 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to gather public comment on the Supreme Beef, LLC Nutrient Management Plan (NMP). 

The Supreme Beef, LLC facility will be located in Giard Township in Clayton County. To request an electronic copy of the NMP, contact

Per the administrative rules, comments should be limited to the following topics:
1) that the NMP was submitted according to procedures required by the DNR and
2) that the NMP complies with the provisions of 567 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 65.  

To register for the virtual meeting and obtain the virtual meeting instructions, please register online at or email or call Kelli Book at or 515-210-3408 with your name, email, and phone number by 12 p.m. on Aug. 31.

During the virtual meeting, a moderator will provide a tutorial of how to use the virtual meeting features and the DNR will provide an introduction to the process and the facility. Supreme Beef, LLC will be given the opportunity for a brief statement at the beginning of the meeting. Depending on the size of the group, attendees may be broken into smaller groups and assigned a DNR staff member to collect public comment. Comments will be limited to three to five minutes per person.

If you are unable to attend the virtual meeting or have items to submit such as photographs or presentations, you may submit the written comments and other documents to by 12 p.m. on Sept. 1. 
