West Des Moines, Iowa - The public is invited to a Trumpeter Swan Soiree, celebrating North America’s largest waterfowl species, on Feb. 15, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at Walnut Woods State Park, in West Des Moines.
Programs will be given both indoors and outdoors at the Walnut Woods State Park lodge with concurrent outdoor viewing and interpretive presentations of trumpeter swans and wildlife given by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Des Moines Parks and Recreation, and Kansas City Zoo naturalist. Spotting scopes and binoculars will be provided. An estimated 120 trumpeter swans are wintering at the Dale Maffitt Reservoir and surrounding area southwest of Des Moines, providing a rare opportunity to view good numbers of free flying trumpeter swans.
Hot chocolate, hot cider, cookies, hotdogs and other snacks will be available.
February 15
Walnut Woods State Park Lodge, 3155 Walnut Woods Dr., West Des Moines
11-11:10 a.m. Welcome
11:10-11:30 a.m. Trumpeter Swans- Bringing Back a North American Treasure-
Ron Andrews
11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Live Trumpeter Swan Presentation- See, touch and learn about swans-Dave Hoffman, Iowa DNR
12-12:20 p.m. Break & Youth Activities
12:20-12:40 p.m. Trumpeter Swan Restoration in Iowa-
Dave Hoffman, Iowa DNR and Ron Andrews
12:40-1 p.m. “Return of the Trumpeter Swans” North American film documentary preview - Steve Harryman, filmmaker
1-1:20 p.m. Birding Basics, Anna Buckardt, Iowa DNR
1:30 p.m.- Guided field trip and basic nature photography, swan and wildlife viewing with hands-on photo tips-Wildlife photographers
Eric Williamson and Holly Welch. Dale Maffitt Reservoir and southwest Des Moines area
11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Youth activities- Bills & Beaks- How birds eat, and a swan/nature
touch kit, Swan pine cone crafting, bird wings, trumpeter swan
runway and outdoor activities- Joel Van Roekel, Des Moines Park
& Recreation, and Kelly Schouten, Education Instructor, Kansas
City Zoo
More information on Walnut Woods State Park is available at https://www.iowadnr.gov/Places-to-Go/State-Parks-Rec-Areas/Iowas-State-Parks/ParkDetails/ParkID/610133
Trumpeter swans were once common in Iowa, but were gone from the state by the late 1880s. By the early 1930s, only 69 trumpeter swans remained in the lower 48 states. As the largest North American waterfowl, these magnificent all-white birds can weigh up to 32 pounds with an eight-foot wingspan. Public support is vital in restoring trumpeter swans to Iowa. Walnut Woods State Park is located on the southwest edge of Des Moines metro area.
This event is being sponsored by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the Polk and Dallas County Conservation boards, Des Moines Parks and Recreation and the Trumpeter Swan Society.
For more information contact: David Hoffman, wildlife technician, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, (641) 425-0737 cell, or (641) 357-3517 office.