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Russell residents advised to use bottled water

  • 7/9/2019 1:34:00 PM
  • View Count 2414
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RUSSELL - Loss of water pressure following a pipeline break caused the Lucas County town of Russell to issue a bottled water advisory this morning.

Residents should use bottled water for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth or preparing food until pressure is restored and testing shows water is safe to drink. Because manganese levels are unknown, residents should not boil water as boiling can concentrate manganese.

However, residents can use tap water for bathing and similar purposes.  

Water line breaks and pressure losses can allow bacteria and other contaminants to enter the water system. The city will flush the system, collecting and testing water samples once pressure is restored.

The city’s water is supplied by Rathbun Rural Water Association.

Check the city’s Facebook page or the answering machine at City Hall a couple of days after pressure is restored to learn when water is safe to drink.

For more information, call the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.
