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Tax Season is Almost Here - Hurrah!

  • 12/14/2017 8:40:00 AM
  • View Count 3850
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It may seem odd to cheer the start of tax season, but for the Wildlife Diversity Program it means a season of giving. In 1982, the state legislature added a line to the state tax form that allows taxpayers to donate all or part of their refund to wildlife conservation in the state.  This funding stream was instrumental in the establishment of a program focused on ALL wildlife (the Wildlife Diversity Program) in the state and it remains a crucial funding source for us now. The Wildlife Diversity Program does not currently receive any funding from state tax dollars, so voluntary donations through the check-off plus a portion of the revenues from the Natural Resources License Plates are the only dedicated funds we receive.

For the 2016 tax season, 7,857 people chose to donate, giving a combined total of $147,185.  This was an increase of almost $15,000 over the 2015 tax season!!  This was great news and shows how much the fund can grow with a few more people making modest donations; the average donation is $18.73.  


If you are a tax preparer, we really need your help to promote the Check-off (contribution) line when working with clients!  We ask simply that you making a point of asking every client whether they would like to donate.  It's also helpful if you exclude this line from any extra line charges your company may have.  


We provide a number of tools you can download or request to help with Chickadee Check-off promotion.  There are beautiful educational wildlife posters, post-it notes with the check-off logo and a new informational brochure which can be made available for clients.  The brochure is available for download on our website ( or feel free to get in touch and request a few printed copies as well as some post-its and posters.  This is all available free of charge.  To request materials contact Stephanie Shepherd at 515-432-2823 ext 102 or e-mail  Thank you for your help!!

