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Fish kill investigated in Dubuque County stream

  • 7/10/2017 5:25:00 PM
  • View Count 3148
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DUBUQUE COUNTY, Iowa – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources investigated a fish kill July 5 through 7 in and near the east side of White Pine Hollow State Preserve in the northwest corner of Dubuque County.

DNR found a cattle feedlot located near Luxemburg was the source of manure runoff into an unnamed tributary of White Pine Hollow Creek.

The owners of the cattle feedlot, James Schieltz and Joseph Schieltz, cooperated with the DNR investigation. They cleaned up the manure spill and stopped any further manure flow into the creek.

DNR fisheries staff counted about 1,300 dead fish along two miles of stream, including darters, suckers, creek chubs, and trout. Many fish could not be identified due to decay.

DNR staff will monitor cleanup activities and will consider appropriate enforcement action including fish restitution.  
