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Water Summary Update shows normal conditions continue into June

  • 6/8/2017 1:48:00 PM
  • View Count 3723
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DES MOINES—Average rainfall and streamflow have prevailed across most of Iowa and groundwater conditions rated normal as well, leaving conditions generally good statewide. 

The persistent dry conditions in southeast Iowa have resulted in an area of abnormally dry portions of Davis, Lee and Van Buren Counties. This area only includes about 1.3 percent of the state. 

Shallow groundwater conditions in the first week of June are normal across Iowa, but additional precipitation is needed in the month of June to prevent northwest, northeast and southeast Iowa from falling into a slight drought category. 

It will be important to carefully watch precipitation over the next 90 days as June, July and August are typically the wettest months of the year. 

For a thorough review of Iowa’s water resource trends, go to


The report is prepared by the technical staff from the Iowa DNR, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, IIHR—Hydroscience and Engineering and the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.
