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Missouri River group to meet June 13 in Mills County

  • 5/25/2017 1:38:00 PM
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MALVERN–The Iowa watershed approach, providing nearly $100 million to improve rural watersheds, is the focus of the June 13 meeting of the State Interagency Missouri River Authority (SIMRA).

Larry Weber will discuss the Iowa watershed approach and how adopting conservation practices reduces peak stream flows and improves water quality. As director of the University of Iowa’s IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering center, including the Iowa Flood Center, Weber will highlight how funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development can help reduce flooding by improving watershed resiliency. 

Other speakers will share progress from the Watershed Management Coalitions for the East and West Nishnabotna rivers, updates on Missouri River conditions and the Missouri River recovery program.

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. at the Classic Café, 317 Main St. in Malvern. Interested people can attend the meeting by conference call. Dial 866-685-1580 and follow the prompts. The conference code is 4510673319 followed by the pound (#) sign.

The complete agenda is available below and on the SIMRA website at

10 a.m., Welcome and Introductions – Cara Marker-Morgan – Golden Hills RC&D; Bill Ehm, Administrator - Environmental Services Division, Department of Natural Resources

Business Items – Bill Ehm – DNR

·         Approve Agenda

·         Approve Meeting Summary – November 2016

10:10 a.m., The Iowa Watershed Approach:  A statewide partnership for a more resilient Iowa - Larry Weber, Director, IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering – University of Iowa

10:35 a.m., East & West Nishnabotna Watershed Management Coalition Update - Kyle Ament, Watershed Basin Coordinator, DNR

11 a.m., Missouri River Watershed Changes and Trends - Doug Kluck, Central Region Climate Services Director, NOAA's National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI), Kansas City

11:20 a.m., Missouri River Basin Conditions and Operations Plan - Jody Farhat, P.E. Chief, Missouri River Basin Water Management Northwestern Division, USACE, Omaha District

11:40 a.m., Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (RRIC) Update – Shawn Shouse, MRRIC Representative

Closing Comments

Next Meeting – Fall 2017

Noon Lunch, Classic Café ($12 cash preferred; receipts will be available; contact Sharon Tahtinen at if planning to attend)

1 to 3 p.m., Tours – Nishnabotna Watershed 

SIMRA includes representatives from the Governor’s Office, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Iowa Utilities Board, the Iowa Economic Development Authority, Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Iowa Department of Transportation. 
